The Tigrayan people have been under siege for the past ten months, where Ethiopian authorities block the free flow of basic life necessities. Close to three-quarters of the population requires food aid to survive and half a million of them need immediate assistance. It is crucial to recall that the undeclared embargo on the region began in late June 2018. Soon after the political reform endorsed by the then ruling party, the EPRDF, went into effect, leaders of Ethiopia and Eritrea jubilantly declared a so-called peace and friendship pact publicly with no internationally recognized rules and regulations. Subsequently, one of the nine regional states of Ethiopia, Tigray, was treated harshly with aims to subjugate its citizens under the government led by Dr. Abiy Ahmed Ali. The government took many political and economic measures to effectuate subjugation.
It must be emphasized that the 2000/2001 cropping season was halfway into the final harvest when the Ethiopian and Eritrean armies invaded Tigray. The deliberate and widescale pillaging of rural Tigray by Eritrean and Ethiopian soldiers aggravated the situation. The soldiers confiscated what was already harvested and wantonly burned dried livestock fodder. It is simply because of this that many are in solidarity with the people of Tigray.
We take this opportunity to applaud the US government, the EU, and the UN’s branches for raising the issue of massive starvation in Tigray and insisted that humanitarian corridors be open to help the people in need. We also strongly urge the institutions and governments mentioned above to redouble their efforts to persuade the Prime Minister of Ethiopia to cooperate with international aid dispensing agencies. Finally, we would like to remember and thank the many selfless men and women who put their lives at risk to help the people of Tigray. We sincerely give our condolence to their families and loved ones. They will never be forgotten.
Urgent and unfettered weapons smuggling needed would be more appropriate. How is it going for the victoriuous TPLF? How is it going for the jubilant residents of Mekelle? Aid is flowing just fine through the Afar region with the watchful eyes of Ethiopian government to inspect for any monkey business by TPLF and their slave masters – WFP/USAID/UNHCR/USA/EU. The flow of Aid can be a lot faster and smoother if Junta can re-deplopy SINO trucks from transporting dead child soliders from Raya & Afar fronts to dump them in to Tekeze River to perpetuate false genocide narrative.
Salim, it takes one to know one, please beg your master to let my poor people go from the choke hold they tapped out already.
Subject: Urgent and unfettered food aid to Tigray needed more than ever by Atv Asena 3rd August 2021
Humble Comment 3 Aug 2021
I did not read the Article in detail.
The headline made me aware of what I know >>> disgusting, very sad and angry.
Here is a country where a people who are in dire need for the foundation of LIFE >>>FOOD. And yet, I can’t help contrasting it with smart aleck individuals goading the entire people of the country into FIGHTING for something that satisfy their private ego and insidious agenda for their own private ambition, glory in Life. …….IT IS NOT FAIR!! IT IS NOT FAIR! IT IS CRIME,! IT IS NAKED CRIME
THANK YOU, ASEENNA.COM for keeping us aware of who we are. THE END
Urgent and unfettered food aid to Tigray needed more than ever.
that the “2000/2001” must be typo, it should be 2020/2021.