Good news: On Tuesday 14/June at the 11th hour, after an intervention by the European Court of Human Rights ECHR) deportation of asylum Seekers to Rwanda was stopped. It is a testimony of what powerful collective campaigns achieve: Eritrea Focus members participating in the Monday 13 June demonstration in front of the Home Office.

A momentum to be seized: The Foundation of Human Rights for Eritreans has taken the initiative to end the reign of terror in Eritrea:
By Petros Tesfagiorgis
Date: 17 June 2022
On Tuesday 10 May, during a press conference, the Netherland based Foundation of Human Rights for Eritreans called on the international community to take immediate action to bring to Justice President Isaias and his associates for human rights violations in Eritrea and beyond. The Foundation accused the Government of Eritrea of committing widespread atrocities for years. It is also using all legal means necessary to demonstrate discriminatory neglect by the European Union and other international bodies. European Union will discuss the case in their next meeting at the end of June.
However, more than anyone else, it is the UN that should be blamed for the discriminatory neglect. In July 2014 UN Human Rights Council established a Commission of Inquiry to report on the situation of human rights in Eritrea. Presenting the findings of the Commission, Mr. Mike Smith said “the many violations in Eritrea are of a scope and scale seldom seen anywhere else in today’s world”, with regard to torture, religious persecution, extrajudicial execution, indefinite national service tantamount to slave labor and other forms of human right violations. The Commission concluded: “Since 1991 crimes against humanity have been committed in Eritrea by Eritreans Officials” The Commission recommended referral to ICC but the UN ignored it. The UN has let down the people of Eritrea. The Diaspora justice seekers did not protest effectively.
The Foundation’s move marks a remarkable milestone in the campaign to end the repression in Eritrea. It is a momentous occasion for the Eritrean democratic movements in Diaspora to join the campaign and bring the repressive regime of Eritrea to the ICC. Mr. Steven Walker, US Charge d’Affairs in Eritrea, in his address to Eritreans during the successful ERISAT June 2022 Symposium, stated that it is the responsibility of Eritreans to work for change in Eritrea. Yes indeed, we have an added urgency to do our part.
The situations in the battle ground in Ethiopia’s civil war are changing rapidly. Abiy Ahmed agreed to make peace with Tigray and as a precondition he is letting aid Lorries pass through Afar region to Tigray unhindered. On the other hand Isaias and Amhara elite opted to carry on the fight. PFDJ trained more than 40,000 (forty-thousand) Amhara troops from the youth militia (Fano), and Isaias is playing a leading role in the execution of the war. By pursuing war Isaias is gambling with the lives of so many young Eritrean troops as well as Fanos. To make it sensational PFDJ planned an attack on Tigray to coincide with the celebration of 31 years of Eritrean independence. It is reported that PFDJ started shelling civilian areas in Badme and surrounding areas. In Shiraro a 14 year girl was killed and 18 wounded. The shelling was followed by fierce fighting. It is also reported that Eritrean troops are suffering heavy losses. Fano is becoming a threat to Abiy’s authority and ordered an attack on them. The Fanos are losing, thousand have surrendered, many more are on the run, some crossed to Eritrea and others went to the bush to carry out guerilla warfare. This is a bad news for Isias. He adamantly is creating an excuse to continue the war by saying Tigray is preparing to attack Eritrea. But continuing the war means more deaths from all sides. In any case It has been proved that for Isaias the life of Eritreans does not matter. An article in the Economist states that young Eritreans are afraid to leave their homes, as round-ups intensified and a new military training camp was opened. Hundreds of people continue to flee from Eritrea to Sudan every month. Tea rooms and other public places in Eritrea are empty of young people. It is tragic. That makes it more urgent to seriously campaigning to bring Isaias to justice so that peace and justice can prevail.
Another worrying reason for Isaias is the USA President’s pledge to hold accountable those who pose a threat to peace and stability in Ethiopia. On top of that Eritrea has become a pariah state by being the only African country that supported the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This is not the choice of the Eritrean people, and the democratic movement in exile has to make it clear that the people of Eritrea have nothing to do with sabotaging the peace nor supporting Russian invasion of Ukraine. On the contrary they have always advocating for peace, justice and the withdrawal of Eritrean forces from Tigray.
The Eritrean democratic movements have to seize the momentum and join the campaign that the Foundation of Human Rights for Eritreans is championing. The European Union willingness to discuss the matter in its meeting at the end of June is good news indeed.
It is because UN failed to honor the referral of the Inquiry Commission to bring Isaias to ICC that gave Isaias the opportunity to invade Tigray. And commit war crimes and crimes against humanity. The people of Eritrea should not be let down for the second time.
In conclusion, I would like to congratulate ERISAT for the successful symposium they launched on June 11, 2022, in Washington DC. It is a significant new development to have Mr. Steven Walker, the US Charge d’Affaire in Asmara, to give a lengthy talk exposing the gross Human Rights violations taking place in Eritrea. It is heartwarming to hear him express his respect for the people of Eritrea for being humble, cordial and welcoming to visitors.
Mr. Steven Walker’s speech was one of those defining moments not only framing future relations between USA and the Eritrean democratic movements, but also for affirming that it is the responsibility of the Eritrean people to seek and bring the change that they want to see. But they have to work effectively in order to be believed.
The end.
“ The Foundation accused the Government of Eritrea of committing widespread atrocities for years. It is also using all legal means necessary to demonstrate discriminatory neglect by the European Union and other international bodies. European Union will discuss the case in their next meeting at the end of June.”
Petros Tesfagiorgis
ዋና ዝቦኾሮ ዉራይ ኣይሰልጥን።
ክሳብ ኣብ ደገ ዘሎ ህዝቢ ፤ ኣገዳስነት ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ተረዲኡ ፤ ብፍላይ እቲ ሙሁር ፤ መሪሕ ግደ ዝጻወት ፤ ለዉጢ ኣብ ቀረባ የለን።
ብኻልኦት ዝግበር ጻዕሪ ፤ ኣገዳስነት እኳ እንተ ሃለዎ ፤ ዋና ክሳብ ዘየለ ፤ ዉጺኢቱ ዉሑድ ኢዩ።
ለዉጢ ዝደሊ ሓይሊ ፤ ዝሓሸ መተካእታ ንሙኻን ክበቅዕ ኣሎዎ።
ብርግጽ ካብዚ ዘሎ ኣዕናዊ ጉጂለ ዝኸፍእ ክመጽእ ኢዩ ኢልካ ዝሕሰብ ኣይኮነን። ግን ከምቲ ናይ ሶማልን ሊቢያን ኩነታት ንኸየጋጥም ፤ ዘተኣማምን ዉሕስነት ክሳብ ዘየለ ፤ ኩሎም እቶም ድሕሪ ምእላይ ህግደፍ ክመጽእ ዝኽእል ሓደጋታት ዘስጎኦም ሰባት ፤ ኣብ ቃልሲ ይሳተፉ የለዉን።
ስለዚ ብቀዳምነት ክረአ ዘለዎ ፤ ጥርናፈ ሃገራዊ ሓይልታት ኢዩ። ዋላ ኣብቲ ዝዋሓደ መድረኻዊ መደብ ምስምማዕ ፤ ሓደ ዓብይ ሱጉምቲ ንቅድሚት ኢዩ። ሓቢርካ ምስራሕ ምትእምማን ክፈጥር ይኽእል ኢዩ። ንሓቀኛ ለዉጢ መገዲ ዝኸፈት ፤ ንኹሉ ዝሓቆፈ ሃገራዊ ግንባር ምስ ዝቆዉም ጥራሕ ኢዩ።
“ዋና ዝቦኾሮ ዉራይ ኣይሰልጥን።”… no need to say anything further… there was 1001 opportunities to chop this monster’s head clean off a while back and move on with our authentic and decent Eritrean life, but…
Stop analyzing, broadcasting and interpreting events, own the moment, act upon it and be the change you want to see.
In other words, be the news maker.
ሰላማት ኩቡር ዶቶረ
ከመይ ቀኒኻ
ሰላማት ኩቡራት ኣሕዋተይ
ፍልልያትና ኣጽቢብና ፤ ንሓደ መድረኻዊ መደብ ንምትግባር ፤ ብሓባር እንተ ተበጊስና ፤ ለዉጢ ኣብ ሓጺር ግዜ ክርከብ ኢዩ። ሓድነት ሓይሊ ኢዩ።
ቅድሚኡ ግን ናይ ኣታሓሳስባ ለዉጢ የድሊ።
ኣብዚ ጉዳይ’ዚ ፤ እቲ ዓቢይ ጸገም ኮይኑ ዝራኣየኒ ፤ ኣብ ክንዲ ምሳና ፍልልያት ዘለዎም ሸነኻት ወይ ጉጂለታት ክንኸስብ ንጽዕር ፤ ካብኦም ፤ ሓደ ንርእቶታትና ብዘይ ክትዕ ተቀቢሉ ፤ ኢሺ እንዳበለ ምሳና ዝኸይድ እንተ ረኺብና ፤ ንዖኦም ንጎኒ ገዲፍና ክንኸይድ ንመርጽ።
ሓቀኛን ኣሳታፊን ዝኾነ ፖሊቲካዊ መስርሕ ዘለዎ ፖሊቲካዊ ሓይሊ ጥራሕ ኢዩ ፤ ለዉጢ ከቀላጥፍ ዝኽእል። ኣብ ሃገራዊ ጉዳይ ንበይንኻ ትኾዶ መንገዲ ፤ ዓዲ ዘየኡቱ ክኾዉን ይኽእል ኢዩ።
ምልኪ ንምእላይ ኣብ ዝግበር ጻዕሪ ፤ ሃገራዊ ሓድነት ወሳኒ ግደ ኣሎዎ። ብርግጽ ነዚ ዝስሕት ሰብ ዘሎ ኮይኑ ኣይስማዓንን።
እም እንታይ እዩ ዝዕንቅፈና ዘሎ ?።
ቡዙሓት ሰባት ፤ ቡዙሕ ምኽንያታት ከቅርቡ ስለ ዝኽእሉ ፤ ንኹሉ ሰሚዕካ ፤ ናይ ሓባር ርድኢት ንክህሉወና ምጽዓር ፤ ነቲ ክንኸዶ ደሊናዮ ዘለና መገዲ መሕጸሮ ይመስለኒ።
ሃገራዊ ቁዋም ፤ ኣገዳስነቱ ብምጥቃስ ፤ እንተ ተተግቢሩ ፍታሕ ጸገማትና ክኾዉን ይኽእል ኢዩ ዝብሉ ኣሎዉ። ብዛዕቡኡ ፤ ኣብ ምምሕያሹን ምትግባሩን ምስምማዕ ፤ ብርግጽ ፤ እቲ ዝሓሸ መጠራነፊ-መሳረሒ ደንበ ተቃዉሞ ክኾዉን ይኽእል እዩ።
ቁዋም 77 ፤ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ፤ ኣብ ሃገርና ፤ እንኮ ፖሊቲካዊ ሓይሊ ንክኾዉን ፤ እሰያስ ድማ ከሉ ስልጣን ዝባሓተ መራሒ ንክኾዉን ፤ ዝዉሕስ ሰነድ ሙዃኑ ዝገልጹ ዉሑዳት ኣይኮኑን።
ቅድሚ ምትግባሩ ፤ ኣብ መሰጋገሪ እዋን ፤ ክማሓየሽ ዕድል ክሳብ ዛሃለወ ግን ጸገም የለን።
ሙሉእ ድልየት ህዝቢ ዘማለአ ፤ ህዝቢ ናተይ ኢዩ ፤ ዝብሎ ሰነድ ጥራሕ ፤ ነባሪ ሰላም ንምምስራት ዝሕግዝ። ከምቲ ሉሙድ ፤ ሪኢቶ ህዝቢ ድሕሪ ምስማዕ ፤ ድምጺ ድሕሪ ሙቅጻር ፤ ድሕሪ መጋረጃ ፤ ናዓኻ ዘገልግል ጉጂለ እንተ መሪጽካ ግን ፤ ሰላሞክህሉ ኣይክእልን።
ሰላም ሰላም ኣማኑኤል እያሱ
ብዙሕ ግዝየ ሓለፈ ካይሰማዕና ሃለዋትካ
አንታይ ኮን ይኸውን በደልና
ዝኾነ ኮይኑ፤ ብጥዕናን ሓጎስን ክትህሉ አዩ ጾሎትና
The universrals characteristics of any spineless groups are the same; they have all boisterous mouths but when its comes to walk their talk, they shiver like leaves and cry like babies in front of their masters for help, of which the treacherous, kleptomaniac, and savage woyane and its Eritrean lackeys are the embodiment.
Every one of us, including the world community, had noticed a little more than two years ago when the treacherous, kleptomaniac and savage woyane was bragging and swaggering to overrun the rest of Ethiopia and Eritrea but it did not last two weeks when the real men showed up on the scene. Yes, woyane fled with its tails behind its tails before the advancing Ethiopian Federal Armed Forces. But that was not all; it is calling on its masters to intervene on its behave. Cry baby woyane!!!
The Eritrean traitors are mirror-image of the treacherous woyane, herein lies the reason they are childishly following its footsteps. The question is: could we confidently rely on the western countries’ professed concern with the alleged plight of Eritrean people to be sincere and truthful? No, we cannot because it is obviously a crocodile tears; only a sell out traitor would do so because he/she has no interest of the Eritrean people at heart but his/her own.
The genuine Eritrean patriots however knows that what the western countries did to foil Eritrean liberation war in the past and what they have been doing to nip in the bud Eritrean Sovereignty, Besides, unlike the Eritrean traitors and the savage woyane, the hallmark of a genuine Eritrean patriots, true to their tradition, is a fiercely self-reliant and fiercely independent. Above and beyond, no one ventures the camp of the Mighty Young EPLFs. The Home of the Brave is, therefore, in save hands. Mark My Words!!!
‘the camp of the Mighty Young EPLFs.’… t.g. let me reorient you, it is 2022 the month of June to be exact, EVs are about to take over the automobile industry, just bought one… your boss not too long ago announced to the Eritrean audience saying ‘Aykesernan!!’ and handed the nation in a silver plate to the younger slick charming Nobel champion who accepted the gift with a childish smile… are you with me? don’t let me splash cold water in your face… can you see the gross mismatch of your post with the current situation, where are you? where do you live?
Please visit Tegadalay Bitweded if you happen to have access to him.
ሓው k.tewolde
ጅግና ጀነራል ቢተወደድን tgን ኣብ ሓደ ሓረግ ኣይከዱን። ኣይፋል።
ደሓር ከኣ ብዝበን ውበ ዝጸመመስ……. ይብሉ ሰብ ቀደም
As a woyane foot-soldier, the vicious savage, treacherous, kleptomaniac, pathological liar and unalloyed immoral and sworn enemy of Eritrean people and their sovereignty, you have no moral high ground to speak about the welfare of Eritrean people including the president. Remember, Eritrea is now the most powerful country in the Horn Africa,while the despicable woyane is dissipating into the thin air.
‘Eritrea is now the most powerful country in the Horn Africa,while the despicable woyane is dissipating into the thin air.’ t.g. I can see where these thoughts of grandiose comes from– adi halo manufactures, packages and ships it 24/7… my sister called me from there few days ago to send her topical Neosporin, feminine hygiene products and drinking water purifier tablets to name few… what power? are you enriching uranium there secretly?
‘As a woyane foot-soldier,’ you called me… there are owners of that label, Jebha foot soldier fits me better.
I am still trying to defibrillate you out the deep comatose state which was induced in the 1970’s, so far you and so many like you who are closely related by blood to me are refractory to the repeated shocks.
“Eritrea is now the most powerful country in the Horn Africa, …”
tewelde gebremariam
በየናይ መዐቀኒ እኻ ፤ ” ኤሪትራ እታ ዝሓየለት ሃገር ቀርኒ ኣፍሪቃ ኢያ ” ፤ ትብል ዘለኻ ?
ጸሊአ ዘይኮንኹስ ፤ ሓሶት ሙዃኑ እዩ ዘዛርበኒ ዘሎ።
– ብሰንኪ ዝሓደሮ ናይ ጸጥታ ስግኣት ፤ ኣብ ግዳም ዝነብር መራሒ ዘለዋ።
– ብሰንኪ ድኽነት ፤ ዝልምኑ ሽማግለታት ዘለዋ።
– ብሰንኪ ጨካናት ጀነራላት ፣ ስደት ዝመረጸ መንእሰይ ወለዶ ዘለዋ።
– ብሰንኪ ጨወይቲ ፤ ሰብ ከም ዑንቂ ዝስወረላ።
– ኣብ ገዛኻ ቀሲንካ ዘይትሓድረላ።
እዚኣ ዲያ ፤ እዛ ህግደፍ ሓያል ሃገር ገይረያ ዝብላ ?
It can’t be said any better W.H., t.g. is the specimen (prototype) that came out from the research and development lab of HGDEF which graces the face of ‘modern’ Eritrea draped in multicolored bizarre outfit.
ንሱ ምስ ጸገበ ፣ ከይሓፈረ ፣ ህዝብና ጹቡቅ ኣሎ ፣ ኤርትራ ሓያል ሃገር ኮይና ይብል ኣሎ።
ጽባሕ ፣ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ፤ ብህወት ናይቶም ዝተሰወሩ ኣሻሓት ደቁ ፣ ተሓትቲ ኢኹም ምስ በሎም ፣ ኩሎም ፣ ኣሉ ፣ ደገፍቲ ህግደፍ ኣይነበርናን ከም ዝብሉ ኣይጠራጠርን። ንኸብዶም ዝነብሩ ተበለጽቲ ፣ ከም ነፋሒቶ ሕብሮም ክቅይሩ ጸገም የብሎምን።
ክወግሓሉ ብሃንቆዉታ ዝጽበ ህዝቢ ፣ ይዕዘቦም ከም ዘሎ ዘንጊዖም ኣሎዉ።
ሰላማት ሰብ ኣሰና
በርቅን ነጎዳን ነሓሰ
ማሕታ ነጎድጓድ ይደሀ
ከም ኣመሉ
ሰናይ ዘመን ክኸውን ይትምነ
ከም ኣነ
ኣብ ክንዲ ውግእ-ወረ-ውግእ
ሰላም-ቅሳነት ክረግእ
ሐሕማቑ ክጓሓፍ
ብ ሰሰናዩ ክትካእ
ሰብ ሓሳባት ክነግሱ
ምኩራትን ቅኑዓትን
ሓላፍነት ክሕዙ
ክኢላታት ክምህዙ
ሓረስቶት ክሓርሱ
ሰብ ቁጠባ ክሽቅጡ
ጨጓር ዳንጋ ካብ ድፋዓት ክወጹ
ዕያል-ማዕያል ክምስርቱ
ነዓ ጭላይ! ክብሉ
ከም ወዲ ሃገር መጠን ይትምነ
ሕስድነት ክጠፍእ
ሓወይ-ሓፍተይ ክሰፍን
ዝብል ደሃይ ክበንን
ዜጋ ኩሉ ክቐስን
ትምኒተይ ክኸውን ግብራዊ
—–ሃካይ ንጡፍ
—–ክኢላ ዘይምሁር
—————መጽሓፍ ዝወሓጠ
————–ሳዕሪ ሮመዲ በቲኹ
————–ድንኩል ዘፍረሰ
ኮታ ምሉእ ሕብራዊ
ብሰላም ክነብር
ትምኒተይ ናብ ግብሪ
Simon, it is a gem, you nailed it… that was my dream when I left my cozy home and the spoils of my childhood venturing into the abyss… however some bestial loafers had something else up their sleeve… and they are still slurping the blood of the young decades later like a strawberry daquiri.
“ኮታ ምሉእ ሕብራዊ
ብሰላም ክነብር
Simon G.
ንሱ እዩ ሕልሚ ኩሎም ሃገሮምን ህዝቦምን ዝፈትዉ ኤርትራውያን።
እዝጊ ንበደልትና ኣብ ልቦም መሊሱ ይታዓርቀና።
ሰላስ(፴) ዓመት ውግእ ንሓርነት
መስዋእቲ ተኸፍለ በደቂ ኤሪነት
እሱ ከይኣክል፤ ኣብ ዳግማይ ህልቂት ኣተወት ተፈታዊት ኤረ
መራሕ መን ክንብሎ እንተበልና ውላድ ኤረ
ናይ መስተንክር መስተንክር፤ ኤረ ዕድላ ኮነ
ስድሳን ሓደን(፮፩) ዓመት ሓለፈ ኣብ ተገዛኢት ኤረ
ጽባሕከ ናብይ ዘይባሃሎ መስተንክር
ወይ ግሩም፤ ወይ ሓጥያት፣ ኤረ ኤረ ኤረ እናተባህለ ንመቓብር ጉዕዞ
ንምንታይ ተባሂሉ መልሲ ዘይርከበሉ ግዜ
ኤረ ኤረ ኤረ ተፈታዊት ኤረ ኮነ ስምኪ ክሳብ እለተ ሞትኪ
እቲ ልሙድ ነፍሲ ይምሓር ምባል ጥራይ እዩ ተሪፉና
እሱ አዩ መወዳእትና ድሕሪ ጸርፍታትና፣ ዓንጺ ዓንጺ ንማዕጾና፣ ዘይብሉ መወዳእታ ።
ንኹሉ መወዳእታ ከምዘለዎ ረሲዕና
እሞኸድኣ ሕጅኸ ናበይ ኢና
ካንዶ ገድሊ ወልፊ ኮይኑና ከይተፈለጠና
እሱ ድዩ ኮይኑ ህይወትና
እዝጊውን ቀቢጹና ተስፋ ከምዘይብልና
ዕድልና ኮይኑ ናይ ታኣምር ምሳሌ፣ ካይተፈለጠና ።
Yep, a reminder for this current Eritrean specimen,
who dances the night away celebrating ‘independence’
while 99% of the citizens depend on remittance from outside.
A little nation that was reduced to look like the era when the caveman invented the wheel.
A nation which its land and ports was leased, and subleased time and time again and finally handed over to another nation w/o the consent of its people.
A nation in which half of its citizens look at from outside in.
A nation where being a refugee or getting asylum is a reward.
Being financially broke happens every day, people bounce from it and move on…
however, being mentally, morally and spiritually broke can’t be fixed…
What are you dancing for??? who made you to be what you become today?? …
It is an Eritrean unique phenomenon… can’t wrap my head around it.
Quote: It is an Eritrean unique phenomenon… can’t wrap my head around it.”
Greetings Mr. K. Tewolde
You said a volume in one hundred and seventy four (174) words.
You poured your heart out to the edge of the cliff BUT NEVER OVER IT.
ERITREA DESERVES to SURVIVE and show its INNER strength.
ERITREA has the capacity, tenacity, determination and above all sincere LOVE for itself to reveal its inner ingenuity.
There was an era where and when Eritreans were cherished for their ingenuity in all undertakings. THIS IS NOT EMOTIONAL EXAGGERATION. IT IS HARD TRUTH that anyone can testify in East, West, North and South.
YES, ERITREA CAN SURVIVE >>>> IF WE, ALL ERITREANS, ARE IN ONE WAVE LENGTH. Less than that, it is self induced murder that nobody can deny us. THE END
if it is inclusive not exclusive,
if it sheds its ugly mascara(HGDEF)
and goes bare with its natural look..
summons all her citizens and make room for everybody
loves all her children regardless of their shade ethnicity,
belief or political affinity..
if it is reserved instead belligerent..
I am not done! ..
Yes! it can, not only survive but also flourish if..
it stops eating her young for breakfast, lunch and dinner,
otherwise, the diagnosis is grim..
‘Failure to thrive’..
ሰላማት ሰብ ኣሰና
ዝነቐጸ ሓንጎል
ካብ ሰብ ዘይመሃር
ን ክሳድ ከበዶ
ከይትድርብዮ ግን ሓሳር
ናትና ነገር
ኣብ ምዕራብ ኣብ ስደት
ድሕሪ ብዙሕ ከርተት
ኣብ ክንዲ ፍልጠቶም ትኽስብ
ብመግቦም ትዝቕብብ
መዓስ ዳኢ’ኻ ትልብም?
ወዲ ሃገረይ
Simon, like a nuclear fallout anyone who directly or indirectly was exposed to the killing enterprise (HGDEF) in the early days, suffers from the half-life even after disassociating and distancing from it… it’s generational radioactive catastrophe which keeps manifesting itself in multicolored specter tens of thousands of miles from home.
‘መዓስ ዳኢ’ኻ ትልብም?
ወዲ ሃገረይ’…. I hope the post answers the question, Simon.
k.tewolde, I wish HGDF’s half life was like element Francium. It feels like they have Uranium’s. ከመይ ገጅፍ ህቦብላ ወሪዱ መራሕቲ ህግደፍ ይቦንቁረልና።
A twister won’t be enough Simon, they keep mutating into #$@! as they grow old that it requires special tools like in the movie Men in Black with Will and Tommy.
ካብ ሙሁርን ላንጋ-ላንጋን
ካብ ሰባኺ-እምነትን
ደጋፊ ሕቡኣን-ህግደፍን
‘ቶም ቀዳሞት መትከል ዝጎደሎም
‘ቶም ዳሕረዎት ቅንዕና ዘይብሎም
ቅኑዓት ይመስሉ
ኣብ ግብሪ ግን ኩነታቶም
መትከልን ቅንዕናን ከምዘይብሉ
ካብ ከምዚኦም የድሕነና
Indeed, you have identified them very well Simon.
The mercurial envious personality in adi halo wouldn’t have lasted this long if there was a true opposition which put him on a choke hold early and squeezed the wind out of him to submission. Instead, they keep breathing life into this living cadaver giving our homeland this distinct stench of death and decomposition. A nation carves out a leader who reflects its persona…. keep on dancing in the exorcist dud rag.
I was fooling around around with my dictionary to get the meaning of the following words
Will any of the words apply to our ERITREA who has been under foreign governance for seemingly time immemorial >>>> 55 years under one colonial power; 12 years under another and then 13 years under the ruling of an Emperor, and then 30 years in liberation struggle, and finally liberated only to be under local dictator — so far — for 31 years. Wow! 55 +12 + 13 +30 + 31 = 141 YEARS and it does not seem to be abated.
NOW, Will a country that has always been under the above situation and longevity be prone to liberation life? The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “HABIT” this way >>> “ a practice that a person does often and almost without thinking, esp. one that is hard to give up”. Does that apply to Eritrea? And if so, the next obvious question is pertinent: who is next to enslave Eritrea?
“ …. the next obvious question is pertinent: who is next to enslave Eritrea? ”
ኣብ ኤርትራ ፣ እተን ዝሰርሓ ዘለዋ እንኮ ትካላት ፣ ናይ ሰራዊትን ጸጥታን ኢየን ። ኣብ ዉሽጠን ፣ ናይ ህግደፍ ግሁድን ፣ ሚስጢራዊን ስርርዓት ምህላዎም ይንገር።
ንወታሃደራዊን ጸጥታዊን ትካላት ዝቆጻጸሩ ፣
ነንሕድሕዶም ዘይፋለጡ ፣ ሚስጢራዊ ዋህዮታት ፣
በቶም ቀንዲ ናይ ኢሰያስ ኡሙናት ዝቆሙ ሙዃኖሞ ፣ ካብ ግዜ ሰዉራ ጀሚሩ ዝተፈልጠ ነገር እዩ።
Matryoshka ዝባሃላ ናይ ሩሲያ ባምቡላ ኣሎዋ። ኣብ ዉሽጢ እታ ዓባይ ንእሽቶይ ካልእ ኣላ። ኣብ ዉሽጢ እታ ዕላዊት ዓባይ ዋህዮ ፣ ሚስጢራዊት ንእሽቶይ ኣላ።
ብኸምዚ ዝተሓላለኸ ኣገባብ ተሰሪዑ ፣ ንህዝቢ ደም ዘንብዕ ዘሎ ጉጂለ ፣ ኣብ ትሕቲ ዝኾነ ኩነታት ፣ ብሰላም ኢዱ ክህብ ኢዩ ኢልካ ዝሕሰብ ኣይኮነን።
ስለዚ ፣ በዚ ሕጂ ዘሎ ኩነታት መሰረት ዝገበረ ግምት ፣ ስልጣን ኣብ ኢድ ኢቲ ጨካን ጀነራል ፊሊጶስ ወልደዮሃንስ ክተርፍ ኢዩ። ንሱ ባዕሉ ዝሾሞ ፣ ጹንኩር መድረኽ ንምስጋር ዝጠቅም ፣ ሙቁር ቃላት የማን ጸጋም ዝድርቢ ንፉዕ ተዋሳኣይ ምርካብ ዝጽግሞ ኣይመስለንን።
ሓቀኛ ለዉጢ ግን ፣ ንህግደፍ ካብ ስልጣን ዝኣሊ ጥራሕ ኢዩ።
ሰላም ወዲ ሃገር
የቐንየለይ ነቲ ብሩህ መልስኻ
ደጋጊመ ኣንቢበዮ
ሕቶውን ባዕለይ ንባዕለይ ሓተትኩ
መልሲ ካብካልኦት ካይተጸበኹ
ክልተ ቃላት ዝሓዘለት. ሕቶ እየን
“እግረይ ኣውጽእኒ” ትብል
ክንደይኮን ንኾውን በዚ አዋን እዚ
ንኤርትርያና ብታሕጓሰ ከክንዳና ክገዝኣልና ንደሊ?!?!?
አዚ አዩ ታሪኽና ንቀበሎ ከምልማድና
ኣይፋሉን እንተልና፣ ነርእዮ ነዚ ዓለም እቲ ሓቂ. ንብሎ ታርኽና
ሓጻር ብሓጻራ፣. ዝባዝንክ ዘይብላ፣ ኣብ ትሕቲ ማእለየ ዘይብሉ ገዛእትና ።
ድሓን. ኩኒ ኤረ ከምቲ ልማድና ።
ካብ. ዶብ እንተሓሊፈ ይቕረታ::
‘who is next to enslave Eritrea?’ … before I give my prediction on who’s going to be the next Baron of this beguiled little nation, I just want to remind us, we are Eritrea, that said, we have indeed chosen for the last 60 plus years the one and only stern and wicked Cassanova to do whatever he wishes with us… so it is not hard to predict who is going to be the next Baron or Baroness of this destitute nation as long as we maintain our current posture and attitude.
The landlord in adi halo didn’t come from planet krypton, he is a local who speaks our dialect.
Selamat Dottore
It’s true. You said it all.
He’s a product of our sub-culture.
Iseyas personifies our intolerance.
Someone who brutalizes his people will be always there unless we change.
People have leaders they deserve.
“Ognuno vive in funzione della propria cultura”.
“It’s you who made me Pharaoh!!”
“People are makers of their own Pharaoh”
ወዲ ሃገር
I used to think this way but my new equation tells me this statement is Mathematically false 🙂
This only work in open society that they will chose their leaders. We have no saying to chose our leasers at all.
So, since we didn’t elect this evil, so called leader, we don’t deserve this devil, who couldn’t make it his freshman in college.
So, I politely disagree.
My two cents.
You don’t have to cast a ballot Simon, there is something called implicit consent… we gave him the nod early as soon he slithered among us and even rewarded him with a trip to China, he grabbed the opportunity by the horn and never looked back… he used the tools we gave him and beat the crap out of us, and then threw us in a Carosa and galloped south of the border and put us up for sale… after all that, we still are dancing draped in the colorful chiffon he chose for us.
If an open election was held today in our homeland and even the diaspora was invited to cast a ballot… he would have won by a landslide, but why bother that’s too much work, he is already enjoying the explicit and implicit consent he is getting from us, and he throws it in our face by saying, ‘NIA’AY CUNTRAT ZIHABENI ALO DIYU’…
It is an Eritrean specific democracy— all for one, one for all.
“ We have no saying to chose our leasers at all.”
“ So, I politely disagree”
ሰላማት ከቡራት ኣሕዋት
ጠንቂ ጸገማትና ብዑምቀት ንምፍላጥ ኣብ ንገብሮ ዳህሳስ ፤ ብሸነኽካ ከመይ ትሪኦ ብምግላጽካ የመስግነካ።
ብርግጽ ፣ ኢሰያስ ፤ ጎንጺ ምምዳብን ፣ ንጥቅሙ ክሳብ ዝድምደም ፣ ብጥንቃቀ ምቅንባርን ፉሉይ ተወህቦ ዘለዎ ኡኩይ ፍጥረት ኢዩ። ነቶም ሰይጣን የለን ዝብሉ ፣ ንዑኡ ከም ኣብነት ምቅራብ ምተኻእለ።
ይኹን እምበር ፣ መሪሕነት ህዝባዊ ግንባር ፣ ደረት ዘይብሉ ህርፋኑ እንዳ ራኣዩ ፣ ሙሉእ ስልጣን ኣብ ኢድ ሓደ ሰብ ክጥቅለል ብምዉሳኖም ፣ ታሪኻዊ ጌጋ ፈጺሞም። ንሶም ፣ ኣይፋልካን ፣ ሎሚ እገለ ክመርሓና ወሲንና ኣለና ፣ እንተ ዝብሉ ፣ ኢሰያስ ፣ ንኹሎም በዲሁ ክገብሮ ዝኽእል ኣይነበረን።
ሚስጢራዊ ስርርዓትን ፣ ኣዉራጃን ሃይማኖትን መሰረት ዝገበረ ጽልኢን ስግኣትን ብምስዋር ፣ ንሱ እንኮ ዋሕስ ኮይኑ ክቀርብ ኪኢሉ።
ስለዚ ፣ መራሕቲ ህ.ግ. (ኣሕዋትና) ፣ ንሶም ኢዮም ታሓተ ትቲ ፣ ብፍላይ እቶም ንብጾቶም ኣብ ዒራዒሮ ኣሕቂቆም ፣ ንሙሉእ መንእሰይ ወለዶ ኣባሪሮም ፣ ንህዝቦም ብጥምየትን ሕማሞን ፣ ብዘየድሊ ዉግኣትን ረሚሶም ፣ ንኤሪትራ ሃገርና ፍሽልቲ ክትኾዉን ፈሪዶምዋ ዘለዉ ከዳዓት።
ንሶም ፤ እቶም ጠላማት ፣ ኢሰያስ መሪጾምልና።
ግሩም ! ዘደንቕ ዘተ ብመሰረቱ
ኣብ ኣፍሪቃ፣ ማይ ዘይጠዓመ ክነሱ
አዚ እዩ ነይሩ መንገድና ብሓዋሩ
ከም እንስሳ ኣብ ሓደ ዳጉን ካይተዳጎንና
እንታይከ ወረደና ዘጸልመተ የዕንትና ኮነ ኣእምሮና
እዚ ድዩ ታሪኽ ኤርትርያና >>እስኪ >>ንወከፎ >> ንነብስና
ቅድም ቀዳድም ንፍለጦ መንገድና >>ካበይ >> ናበይ >> ንምንታይ >>ኢልና
ነዊሕ መገዲ ስለዘለና ኣብቅድመና:: >>> with absolute FRATERNAL dialog.
They tried in Venezuela; they gave it a shot in Cuba last year… like the vermin in adi halo and many like him around the world and more popping up, people suffer every day, get displaced, families breakdown, dreams are shattered, and childhood stolen… who is procuring and benefitting from this global phenomenon?… and who decides for one to continue degrading and pulverize a society to ashes and extracts another one from a sewer drain?…
Like the U.S. senator asked his colleagues about the raging gun violence in America, ‘what are we doing!?’… ‘What the heck are we doing!?’
Do we know what we are dealing with?… just pondering.
“What the heck are we doing!?”
ሰላማት ኣሕዋት
ሰላማት ኩቡር ዶቶረ
እቲ ክንገብሮ ዝግባእ ንገብር የለናን። ንሱ ኢዩ እቲ ጸገም።
እንታይ ክንገብር ምተገበአ ንዝብል ፣ ገለ ወስ ከብል።
– ካብ ምልኪ ዝረብሑ ፣ ሕልና ዘይብሎም ዉሑዳት ሰባት ጥራሕ ሙዃኖም ብምግዛብ ፤
– ምልኪ ብቁልጡፍ እንተ ዘይታኣሊዩ ፣ ህዝቢ ይበታተን ምህላዉ ብምፍላጥ፣
– ናይ ህዝቢ ምብትታን ፣ ምፍራስ ሃገር ከኽትል ከም ዝኽእል ብምስትዉዓል ፣
ኩሎም ደቂ ሃገር ፣ ንድሕነት ህዝቦምን ንቀጻልነት ሃገሮም ፣ ኣብ ዝዋሓደ መድረኻዊ መደብ ተሳማሚዖም ፣ ምልኪ ንምእላይ ብሓባር ክሰርሑ ኣሎዎም።
ኩሉ ዝሳማማዓሉ ፣ ሓጺር መደብ ዘተግብር ፣ ንኹሉ ዝዉክል ፣ ሓደ ፣ ግዝያዊ መሪሕነት የድሊ።
ሓደ ፣ ጠርናፊ ሃገራዊ ባይቶ።
ብሃገራዊ ቁዋም ዘተማእከለ ፣ ሰፊሕ ሃገራዊ ፖሊቲካዊ ምንቅስቃስ ምምስራት።
ነንበይንኻ ትገብሮ ጻዕሪ ፣ ኣገዳስነት እኳ እንተ ሃለዎ ፣ ዝተጠርነፈ ሓይሊን ጻዕርን ጥራሕ ኢዩ ፣ ንሃገርና ካብቲ ወዲቃቶ ዘላ ከድሕና ዝኽእል።
ንምዝኽኻር ዝኣክል።
You’re so modest W.H., this is not only a reminder, but also the lightning bolt, the gamma knife that will excise the malignancy precisely… the cure for our protracted ailment… a road map that will change the trajectory of our beguiled nation…
The gazillion dollar question is, why do we keep avoiding this healing medicine?
W.H. keep throwing your impactful darts on the bull’s eye.
Brothers k.tewolde & others
What’s missing is the truth. We pretend to ignore the truth.
We tend to shrug off what’s on the ground and we behave like nothing bad is going on.
That’s our main problem.
Recognize the truth, say as it is and we can move forward.
ዓዲ ጽቡቕ ኣሎ
ሰብኣይ መሳርሕቲ ስኢኑ
ሓደ ልቢ ሓደ ኣድጊ
……..መወዳእታ ስእነሉ
“ንምዝኽኻር ዝኣክል። ካብ ሓውና ወዲ ሃገር ዝተለቃሕኩውዋ
እምበርዶ ንፈልጥ ኢና መን ከምዝኾነ ዝሸባሸብ ዘሎ ክወስድ ኤርትርያና ???
ካብ ምስራቕ ንምዕራብ: ካብ ሰመን ንደቡብ ብምልእታ !!!!
እዚ ይብልኹም ድሓን ኩኒ እታ ምቅርቲ ኤርትርያ
ለካስ ንኹሉ መወዳእታ አለዎ ዝተባህለ እዚ እዩ
የዕጽምትኻ ዝሰብር ከምዘይ ነበርካ
ካን አዚዶ ኾነ ናይ ሰልሳ ዓመት ጅግንነት ዓለም ዘገረመ?!?
ኣየ እወ ክንደይ ጀጋኑ ዘጥፍአ
ካይተፈለጦም ኣብቲሕቲ እግሮም ሰላሕ ኢሉ ዝዓበየ
በሉ እኖሆልኩም ህድሞኹም ተወሰደ
ኣሪቨደርቺ እኳ ዘይባሃሎ ጭካኔ
ተረፍና ብዘይ ሓደ ኣሰር፤ ዝራሙሮ ኮነ ታሪኽና።
ጥራይ ኢድና ተረፍና
ኢርትርያ ንዓለም ከምዘየገረምት ኣተወት ኣብ ውሽጢ ፋናቱራr
ድሕሪኡሞ አንታይ ኣሎ ደይ ልማኖ::
Petros Tesfagergis: Do you think Tekle Aden, the vicious traitor, if he were alive today, would call himself an Eritrean? I do not think so knowing full well the magnitude of crimes he committed on The Mighty EPLFs. You have committed worse crime on the people of Eritrea and on their sovereignty, and if it were for you, by now the treacherous, pathological liar, and kleptomaniac woyane would have already exterminated Eritreans. Tekle Aden was Derg’s Trojan Horse but failed in his atrocious mission thanks to the Mighty EPLFs glorious victory over Dergi and its soviet surrogates . He died in gutters in shame and disgrace. You have been Woyane’s Trojan Horse but again failed miserably again thanks to the Mighty EPLFs. Your final days will be exactly mirror the wretched demise of Tekle Aden. Mark My Words!!!
“ You have committed worse crime on the people of Eritrea and on their sovereignty, and if it were for you, by now the treacherous, pathological liar, and kleptomaniac woyane would have already exterminated Eritreans.”
tewelde gebremariam
” … ናታስ ንሓማታ !!” ኮይኑ ነገሩ።
” . . . woyane would have already exterminated Eritreans.”
“. .. ከምቲ ንስኻ ትደልዮ እንተ ዝኾነልካ ፣ ወያነ ድሮ [ወይ ቀደም] ንህዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣህሊቃቶ ማሃለወት ” ፤ ይብል ኣሎ ፣ ህግደፋዊ ሓዉና።
ኣቶ ጴጥሮስ ባዓታይ ፣ ነብሱ ክከላኸል ስለ ዘይክእል ኣይኮንኩን ፣ ነዚ ዑሉል ካድር ኢሰያስ ዓገብ ክብል ዝደሊ ዘለኹ። ገበን እንዳ ራእና ዓገብ ስለ ዘይበልና ኢና ኣብዚ ደረጃ ናይ ጃምላዊ ጥፍኣት በጺሕና ዘለና። ንዝበደለ ዓገብ ምባል ፣ ናይ ሕልና ጉዳይ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ፣ ዘግነታዊ ግዴታ’ዉን ኢዩ ካብ ዝብል እየ።
በደል ፣ ነቲ ግዳይ ዝኾነ ዜጋ ጥራሕ ዝምልከት ኣይኮነን። ሎሚ ንጰጥሮስ ፣ ጽባሕ ንነፍወከፍ ካባና።
ምድግጋፍ ዘይፈልጥ ሕብረተሰብ ፣ በብእብረ ተገሪፎም ከም ዝጠፍኡ ዘርኢ መለበሚ ኣብነት እንተሊዩ ፣ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኢና።
ህግደፍ ፣ ኣብ ዉሽጥን ኣብ ደገን ሰሪዑዎ ዘሎ ናይ ራዕዲ ነትዎርክ ፣ ንሰባት ኣብ ስደት ከይተረፈ ንህወቶም ሰጊኦም ከም ዝነብሩ ምግባር ኢዩ ዕላሙኡ።
ህዝበይ ይግፋዕ ኣሎ ንኸይትብል ፣ ሉኡኻት ህግደፍ ብቀጥታ ሽም ኣልዒሎም ዝገብሩዎ ምፍርራሕ ፣ ወይሉ ኣፉ ዝኸፈተ ዝብል መሌእኽቲ ዘለዎ ኢዩ።
ባዓል ተወልደ ገብረማርያም ፣ ብግዜ ሰዉራን ድሕሪ ናጽነትን ኣብ እተፈጸሙ ዓበይቲ ገበናት ፣ ብቀጥታ ይኹን ብተዘዋዋሪ ፣ ኢድ ዘለዎም ክኾኑ ይኹእሉ።
ስለዚ ፣ ገበኛታት ካብ ፍትሒ ንምህዳም ዝግብሩዎ ፈተነ ፣ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ይዕዘብ ከም ዘሎ ፈሊጦም ፣ ገበን ካብ ሙዉሳኽ እንተ ተቆጠቡ ይሕሾም።
‘ምድግጋፍ ዘይፈልጥ ሕብረተሰብ ፣ በብእብረ ተገሪፎም ከም ዝጠፍኡ ዘርኢ መለበሚ ኣብነት እንተሊዩ ፣ ንሕና ኤርትራውያን ኢና።’… compare this statement from a statesman to… ‘Mark My Words!!!’… I don’t even think it deserves a glance from W.H., then again, how do you drill into the cranium of a pickle head.
ክቡራን ኤርትራውያን
ሓጻር ሕቶ ኣላትኒ
ናይ ዝሓለፈ ሚእቲ (100 )ዓመት ታሪኽ ኣብ ግምት የእቲና፥ እምበርዶ ሓቂ ብሓቂ ኤርትርያ ዝደለየቶ ሓርነት ክትረክብ ኢያ ?
ናይዚ ዘሎ መንግስቲ መግዛእቲ ቅቡል ሓርነት እዩ እንተልክሙኒ ይቕረታ እሓትት ብትሕትና ።
ኣንጻር ሃገርይ ኣይኮንኩን፣ ሳኣን ፍልጠተይ ድኣምበር ።
ኣይትሓዙለይ፤ ብኽብረትኩም ።