Eritrea Focus is deeply concerned about the plight of Eritrean refugees caught up in the war
in Tigray. Eritrea Focus stood by the Tigrayan people in their hour of need. We support their
struggle against attempts to crush them by the Ethiopian and the Eritrean governments,
backed by ethnic militia and Somali troops. That support will continue. But we cannot
remain silent while Eritrean refugees are being attacked and we call on the Tigrayan
Government and the Tigray Defence Forces to do all they can to honour their commitments
to ensure their safety and security.

Subject: “Open Letter: Eritrean refugees in Tigray” Habte Hagos, chair, Eritrea Focus
Humble Commentary,1 Aug 2021
It is notable that the above mentioned letter is polite and dignified on its subject “about the plight of Eritrean refugees caught up in the war in Tigray”. The letter also quoted the Mighty US State Department as saying: QUOTE:”We are deeply concerned about credible reports of attacks by military forces affiliated with the Tigray People’s Liberation Front [TPLF] militias against Eritrean refugees in the Tigray Region, particularly reports of violence in refugee camps.” UNQUOTE It is refreshing that the Good Old USA turn its attention, once in a rare while, to other pathetic helpless States.
With the above background, it is hoped that the TPLF will heed the advice of its very close political friend — the mighty United States of America — and let Eritreans, living abroad with comfort and security do whatever is necessary and good for their own dear Eritrea.
In that vain, it is hoped that ERITREA FOCUS’ initiative will bear ‘fruits’ of success in the struggle — alas! this time — against an indigenous, absolute self-appointed President DICTATOR. After all, a peaceful neighbour is much more essential In a case that appears to be hopeless, a PRAYER may come-in handy >>> at least it won’t hurt.
So, Dear Eritreans: Are you prepared to pray, assuming the Good Lord up in Heaven is not tired of your eternal struggle of one sort or another. THE END.