Lectures on “The Making of the Eritrean Constitution” by Dr Bereket Habteselassie
As part of its Building Democracy in Eritrea initiative, Eritrea Focus has worked proactively over the last 18-month to formulate a transitional blueprint from dictatorship to rule of law. The initiative has now reached a “public consultation” stage. To that end, there will be televised lectures, face-to-face as well as virtual workshops to inform and gather feedback from Eritreans in the country (where possible) and in diaspora over a period of three months.
The first of these events will be a three-hour televised lecture in Tigrinya over three weeks on “The Making of the Eritrean Constitution” by the eminent lawyer and father of the Eritrean constitution, Dr Bereket Habteselassie. There will be an opportunity for the audience to phone in or forward their questions for Dr Bereket to respond.
The lectures will take place on Assenna Television (ATV via Satellite and assenna Facebook page) on the following dates and times:
- Thursday 10 September at 18:00 hours, London time.
- Thursday 17 September at 18:00 hours
- Thursday 24 September at 18:00 hours
We hope very much as many people as possible will take part in these lectures and raise relevant questions.
Together, we can and shall build a New Eritrea that is at peace with itself and its neighbours. A country we can all be proud of and for which our martyrs gave their precious young lives to liberate. May they rest in peace.
Eritrea Focus:
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ኣስተምህሮታት፡ `ብዛዕባ መስርሕ ንድፊ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ` ብ ዶር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ
ከም ኣካል ተበግሶ ህንጸት ደሞክራሲ ኣብ ኤርትራ፡ Eritrea Focus ኣብዚ ዝሓለፈ 18 ኣዋርሕ፡ ካብ ምልካዊ ምሕደራ ናብ ግዝኣተ ሕጊ ዘሰጋግር ንድፊ ኣብ ምውዳድ ከምዝጸንሐ ይፍለጥ። ኣብዚ እዋን`ዚ፡ እቲ ተበግሶ ኣብ ህዝባዊ ምምኽኻር ደረጃ በጺሑ `ሎ። በዚ መሰረት፡ ኣብዚ ዝመጽእ ሰለስተ ኣዋርሕ፡ ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን፡ ንቕሓት ህዝቢ ክብ ንምባልን ማዕረማዕሪኡ ርእይቶታት ህዝቢ ንምእካብን፡ እንተተኻኢሉ ካብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ግብረመልሲ ንምርካብን፡ ብቴለቭዥን ዝመሓላለፍ፡ ብገጽ ንገጽን ብኢንተርነትን ዝካየድ ኣስተምህሮታት ክወሃብ እዩ።
ኣብቲ ፈላሚ መደብ፡ በቲ ዓቢ ናይ ሕጊ ምሁርን ኣቦ ቅዋም ኤርትራን ዶር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ፡ ኣብዚ ሰለስተ ሰሙን ኣብ መስርሕ ንድፊ ሃገራዊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ ዘተኮረ፡ ብቛንቋ ትግርኛ ኣብ ቴለቭዥን ዝመሓላለፍ ኣስተምህሮ ክቐርብ እዩ። ተኸታተልቲ ብቴለፎን ወይ ብጽሑፍ ዘቕርቡዎም ሕቶታት `ውን ብዶር በረኸት መልሲ ክወሃቦም እዩ።
እቶም ኣስተምህሮታት ብሳተላይት ቴለቭዥን ኣሰና ኣብዞም ዝስዕቡ ዕለታት ወትሩ ሰዓት 8:00 ምሸት ብኣቆጻጽራ ኤርትራ ክመሓላለፉ እዮም።
- ሓሙስ 10 መስከረም 2020 ሰዓት 6:00 ምሸት ብኣቆጻጽራ ለንደን
- ሓሙስ 17 መስከረም 2020 ሰዓት 6:00 ምሸት
- ሓሙስ 24 መስከረም 2020 ሰዓት 6:00 ምሸት
ኣብ ውሽጥን ወጻእን እትርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ብዝተኻእለ መጠን ኣብዞም ተሰሪዖም ዘለዉ ኣስተምህሮታት ብምስታፍ ሕቶታት ከተቕርቡን ሃናጺ ርእይቶታትኩም ክትገልጹን ንዕድመኩም።
ሓቢርና፡ እቶም ስለ ናጽነት ክቡር ህይወቶም ዝሃቡ ሰማእታትና ዝቐስኑላ፡ ንሕና ከም ደቂ ሃገር እንሕበነላ፡ ምስ ገዛእ ነብሳን ጎረባብታን ብሰላም እትነብር ሃገር ክንሃንጽ ኢና።
Eritrea Focus: E: info@eritrea-focus.org
I have a humble question:
Is this about the “Eritrean Constitution” that Dr. Bereket Habteselassie worked upon for months and months, and months, only to be rejected-discarded-ignored by the Supreme Self-Appointed President of Eritrea for Eritrea — a first-year drop out of Addis Ababa University in early 1970’s.???
In any case, shouldn’t the ACTION of Eritreans be — on top priority basis — to release Issayas Afewerki Abraha Miratch from his self-appointed Presidency and take him to ERITREAN COURT for betraying and damaging a country called ERITREA. I leave the correct appropriate wordings to the world-wide known Professor. GLORY to ERITREA— what ever is left out of it. .
A good point from Rezen. But the question of Isiais ’ college tenure needs a slight collection.
Isias was not a first-year drop out but a first-term drop out. As they call it at Addis Abeba university, he is a Christmas graduate. He lasted three months before he was expelled from the uni due to lack of intellect. In short, he was brain dead. Instead at the University he spent days and nights at Markato boozing and god knows what else.
Nothing has changed since. His drinking continued during the struggle. Isias spent his days in caves drinking whiskey while war was raging all around him and our people slaughtered.
Since independence, his drinking has accelerated to at least a bottle of whiskey a night that our country can ill afford. Once a thug always a thug is what I would say.
A shame those who knew him best during the struggle repackaged him to mislead the Eritrean people. Only when he turned against them did our people realise they had a monster at the top.
Eritrea forever, death to dictatorship.
Collection = Correction
We want Prof Bereket Habteselassie to tell the Eritrean people in plain tigrigna what the legal requirements to become the president of Eritrea were/are? That helps many confused/naive Eritreans to understand why the self appointed dictator/crininal thug in Asmara is an illegal and illegitmate president. It would also be helpful , if you could tell our people why he is ineligible to become head of state in Eritrea by virtue of his Ethiopian ancestry.
Last but not least, the penalty for the crimes(treason) committed against Eritrea/it’s people by the dictator and his henchmen.
How does one pose question or discussion?