Acknowledging Eritrean soldiers war-crime against civilians in Tigray as a step towards healing and building peace
By Petros Tesfagiorgis

My New Year resolution is that the Eritrean Civil Societies and political partiesin exile put a lot of effort for peace to stop the senseless war and save the life of thousands of Eritreans and Ethiopians. .
Since the start of the Ethiopian Civil War on November 3, 2000, Eritrean troops in collusion with Ethiopian National Defence Forces (ENDF), Amhara Militias and their youth movement Fano have committed war crime in Tigray, killing civilians’ looting, destroying the livelihood of the people, massacres in Axum, Humera and other places, sexual violence against women, using famine as a weapon of war and other forms of human rights violations. What is tragic is that the Eritrean young troops are victims themselves. They are forced to be in the army as part of the indefinite national military service known as slave-labour. Furthermore the youth are rounding up in the streets and forcefully sent to fight. In Eritrea where private media is abolished the indoctrination of the young generation to hate the TPLF and the people of Tigray is deeply rooted and no doubt Eritrean soldiers feel no remorse to commit war crimes in Tigray.
Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed tried to convince the world that the war he unleashed against Tigray is a law enforcement operation. Far from it, all the atrocities are testimony of a campaign to destroy Tigray. New York Times wrote “New evidence shows that Ethiopia’s Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, has been planning a military campaign in the northern Tigray region for months before war erupted. Secret meetings with the dictator (Isaias) clandestine troop movements and months of quiet preparation for a war that was supposed to be swift and bloodless.
By now the agendas of the three coalition partners are stark clear. PM Abiy Ahmed wanted to be unchallenged ruler of Ethiopia. He won the support of the Amhara for his effort to annex Eritrea to Ethiopia; the Amhara Elite never recognized the independence of Eritrea. In addition they wanted to get back Western Tigray they claim as theirs. Isaias’s motive is to take revenge against TPLF on the 1998 war but most importantly he believes with PM Abiy and the Amhara elite on his side it is impossible for Eritreans to fight back to save Eritrean sovereignty.
The coalition partners thought the TPLF and the people of Tigray are an obstacle to achieve their objectives and decided to destroy them, never to allow them rise to power again. The battle line is thus drawn between the coalition to obliterate Tigray and TPLF to fight for survival and defend the federal system. The situation of Eritreans is complicated. For years the many political opposition organisations based in Ethiopia were so divided they were not able to challenge the power of Isaias. By the time peace is signed between Abiy and Isaias the Eritrean political opposition parties must flee Ethiopia.
In this moment in time a windom of opportunity was opened for the Diaspora political and civil society organisations to actively engage in political activities. The just seekers particularly the Yeakl mass movement joined hands with the Tigrean activists in all the demonstrations that condemned the atrocities carried out against the people of Tigray and calling for the withdrawal of Eritrean troops from Ethiopia. They have also engaged in fund raising to help Tigrean families whose properties had been looted and destroyed. The Yeakl civil society rose up in many countries like wave of Tsunami saying “enough is enough (Yeakl) Isaias has to go”. They realized that the peace agreement of Isaias and Abiy was an agreement to go to war, destroy Tigray and annex Eritrea. Today Yeakl mass movements have formed a Global leadership. It represents the strongest Eritrean civil society yet in Diaspora. The Yeakl mass movement demonstrations in solidarity with the people of Tigray is the foundation of peace between the people of Eritrea and the people of Tigray to be extended to other nationalities like Oromo, Agow and Benshangul who took up arms against PM Abiy Ahmed to defend their right to govern themselves locally under a federal system.
The victory of the people and the Government of Tigray is also the victory of the the people of Eritrean. The coalition let alone annex Eritrea they will not be in power themselve. Their dreams will be shattered. The fact that just seekers stood on the side of the people of Tigray during their darkest days is paving the way for good relations in the future. The reconciliation with Tigray will not be difficult. Eritrea Focus and All-Party Parliamentarian group for Eritrea (APPG) have played a pivotal role in raising questions in the British Government to condemn the violations. Eritrea Focus is compiling a study about the underlining causes of the war to share it with the international community.
Apart from standing in solidarity with the people of Tigray on human rights considerations,which any one with moral high ground should do, there is another reason why the people of Tigray and Eritrea should cooperate and work together. Both peoples have common enemies. In this war they perish together or survive together. In this dire situation the Diaspora just seekers cooperating with Tigray is the right thing to do. Several Eritrean political parties have united in their objective to remove Isaias- who is taken as a liability of the region. They are forging good relations with Tigray. These cordial relations will have other benefits. Ethiopian various nationalities who took up arms against the coalition, like the Oromo, Agew, Benshangul and many more will know the authentic voice of the people of Eritrea strongly opposes Isaias medling in the affairs of Ethiopia. Unless we win their friendships there will be tension with them.
Unfortunately there are some Diaspora justice seekers-Eritreans who object cooperation with Tigray and are engaged in hate campaign. They do not seem to understand that at this moment in time the only concern is to save Eritrea from its demise. To win friends and cooperate with those who face the same enemy is a survival Strategy. It does’t matter whether they like Tigray or not, it doesn’t matter wether they have grudges against them or they against us. To campaign against Tigray is an indirect support to Isaias. At least they should have stopped hate campaign that contradicts the wishes of the Eritrean people for peace. It is lack of peace which is the main source of the pains and sufferings of the people of Eritrea.
PM Abiy released 9 political prisoners including the ex-head of TPLF Sebhat Nega and the popular Oromo activist Johar Mohamed. Isaias and the Amhara elite are furious. The Amhara took to the streets and demonstrated in Debre Marcos against the release of the prisoners. The Amhara elite genocidal hate campaiagn is still strong. That will make reconciliable between Abiy on one side, Isaias and Amhara elite on the other. Abiy is under pressure to make peace but Isaias and the Amhara elite driven by hate wanted to continue the war. The coalition is thus fractured.
The campaign for peace spearheaded by Yeakl mass movement could shine in the international platform. It is an effective weapon in the diplomatic world where the international community and governments are putting pressure on PM Abiy Ahmed to make peace. They can also challenge the forces of hate. They can change the image of Eritrea from being a war-monger to peace maker. That will make a difference to the future of Eritrea and the Horn.
At the samae time it is crucial to campaign to help Eritrean refugees suffering in Ethiopia, Libya, and Egypt and in many other countries.
In this crucial moment in time acknowledging Eritrean soldiers’ war-crime against civilians in Tigray is a step towards healing and towards building peace.
As Martin Luther King Jr. said “Those who love peace must learn to organise as effective as those who love war”
The end
To be continued. Why did the Amhara elite don’t want short of anhilating Tigray in this war and no peace at all? Why special bond with Isaias?
Mr P. T. Thanks for your contribution:
“He won the support of the Amhara for his effort to annex Eritrea to Ethiopia; the Amhara Elite never recognized the independence of Eritrea. In addition they wanted to get back Western Tigray they claim as theirs”
We have been active in the movements that are showing up at every corner to bring peace/change in Eritrea to see which one is real and sustainable. And thus we have been engaging in replying to many local and global activist articles and meetings. Your assessment is good (besides the time stamp at the introductory). Selected the sentence in the quotation to emphasis the issue with us Eritreans. The more we repeat this statement the more it “might” become a reality. After spending few weeks reviewing this point you are making – we have come to a conclusion that very point that “they might take over Eritrea” is an impossible task for either Tigranes or Ethiopians. At least that is what we have come to assess. They know any attempt to that nature would cost them another big mess and dearly. Of course, it would impact Eritrea again but this is an impossible scenario. What then you might ask – We Eritreans need to do soul searching and to stop getting divided to “7-million parties” and focus on future thinking. Business, Education, Free and fair hopes for any Eritrean, Creating a plan for strong defense force and Exercising a justifiable approach towards our neighbors. Unless, we are curved out of Africa and shipped to some place near “Mars” we have no option but to forge peace with our next door people but also have a strong defense at the same time. Yeakil movement did you say? Well, will give them a chance as they are looking to have some heart beat but they need some serious alignment on message and “future” for Eritrea. Reviewing their meetings and discussions, they are constantly harping on a message pointing a finger at one single person or few that are back in Eritrea under a single person rule. We believe that Yeakil needs to be transparent to Eritreans at home and in diaspora. Holding meetings are always good but result is also needed. We are now engaging and actie in bringing change that ever and we intend to work for the change Eritrea needs badly. one more note, we should stay the course and not react to events “near by conflict” to pull a rabbit “change” out of a hat.
Again, let us stop imagining that either Abiy, or Amhara or Tigreans would be marching towards Eritrea. If we Eritreans bring our A game (even a B game) these forces would beg to make use of the gate to the Sea. First thing is first, and that is making us Eritreans come together in to terms. At times we think the few zones in Eritrea makes the nation appear like it has over 100 zones with their individual personality traits. 🙂
Enjoyed reading your post here and keep it up
QUOTE:”Acknowledging Eritrean soldiers war-crime against civilians in Tigray as a step towards healing and building peace” UNQUOTE
Acknowledging Tigrayan soldiers war-crime against civilians in Eritrea as a step towards healing and building peace?
It is just humble opinion — an idea that may heal wounds and bring the two ‘brothers’ onto harmony and be happy in leading their respective LIVES in tranquility — for ever and ever and ever. How is that for a change? Definitely it does not hurt. Why not try it.?!? WE MAY ALL BE HAPPY.
It is worth considering it.
AMEN — INSHALLAH (in alphabetical order, please)
If I was a newcomer to the scene, I would give the article a Pulitzer Prize… however…
‘Why special bond with Isaias?’… retroactively, I have been asking that question for years, but I haven’t got a clear and honest answer to this day.
Dear Tewolde
That is the question. Why the special bond- in this moment in time. I will wait for some time to get ideas from readers. And then I will answer why from my own perspective
“ In this crucial moment in time acknowledging Eritrean soldiers’ war-crime against civilians in Tigray is a step towards healing and towards building peace. ”
Petros Tesfagiorgis
ሰላማት ንኩሉኹም ኣሕዋት
መጀመሪያ ፣ ኢቲ ገበናት ብዝምልከቶ ናይ UN ኣካል ተጻሪዩ ፡ ልክዕ እንታይ ከም እተፊጸመን ፣ መን እዩ ታሓታቲ ክፍለጥ ይግባእ። ብድሕሪኡ ፡ ከም ዉጺኢቱ ፡ ክዝረበሉ ጸገም የለን።
ብሰንኪ ናይ ወያኔ ፣ ኣብ ዉሽጣዊ ጎነጽ ሰዉራ ኤርትራ ምትእትታዉ ዝሃለቀ ህወት መንእሰያትና ፣ ሓደ ካብቶም ኣብ መዝገብ ዘለዉ ገበናት እዮም።
ንመጻኢ ፡ ከም ጎረባብቲ ፣ ካብ ምትእትታዉ ተቆጢብና ፣ ብሰላም ንኽንነብር ምእንቲ፣ ምርድዳእ ኣድላይ ብሙዃኑ ፣ ኩሉ እቲ ጠንቂ ናይ ጽልእን ቅርሕንትን ኮይኑ ዘሎ ዛዕባታት በሙሉኡ ምድህሳሱ ፡ ምርኣዮ ኣድላይ እዮ።
የእዉዮ ስለ ዘለዉ ፣ ወይ’ዉን ህግደፍ ስለ ንጸልእ ፡ ኩሉ እቲ ብስሚዒት ተደሪኹ ሰብ ዝብሎ ቁቡል ክኾዉን ኣይክእልን።
መራሕቲ ወያነ ፣ ልክዕ ከም ህግደፍ ፡ ንህዝቦም ዉጺኢት ኣብ ዘይብሉ ናይ ህልቅት ዉግእ ጠቢሶምዎ። ሕጂ ንሰላም ቀዳምነት ክህቡ እምነ።
KEMEY TIQINI W.H. , this year plus long destructive war is a crime scene perpetrated by a handful blood thirsty elements like the ones we’ve been victimized as youngsters decades ago, nothing new here… just dust off the trigger the fingerprints are the same, the only difference is you can watch some of the crime being committed in real time via the mega pixel.
ሰላማት ኩቡር ዶቶረ
ሩሑስ ባዓላት ይግበረልና።
እወ ፣ ንሶም እዮም። ህዝቢ ካብ ምድማይ ኣይቦኸሩን። ንዓና ሓደሽቲ ኣይኮኑን።
ይዋእ እቲ ዘይፊለጦሞ።
“ Unfortunately there are some Diaspora justice seekers-Eritreans who object cooperation with Tigray and are engaged in hate campaign. They do not seem to understand that at this moment in time the only concern is to save Eritrea from its demise. To win friends and cooperate with those who face the same enemy is a survival Strategy. It does’t matter whether they like Tigray or not, it doesn’t matter wether they have grudges against them or they against us. To campaign against Tigray is an indirect support to Isaias. At least they should have stopped hate campaign that contradicts the wishes of the Eritrean people for peace. “
Petros Tesfagiorgis
ሰላማት ኩቡር ጰትሮስ
ቅድሚ ሪኢቶ ሞሃብ ፣ ሓሳባትካ ንኽርዳኣኒ ሞእንቲ ፣ ንትሕዝቱኡ ኣፍኹስ ኣቢለ ክደግም ኣፍቅደለይ።
ምስኡ ብተዘዋራሪ ትብሎ ዘለኻ’ዉን ፣ ክጠቅስ እየ።
– ” ምስ ትግራይ ኣይንሰሪሕን ዝብሉ ኣሎዉ ፡
ጽልኢ ይነዝሑ ኣሎዉ”።
– “ሕጂ ፡ እቲ ዘገድስ ፡ ኤሪትራ ምድሓን ሙዃኑ ይስሕቱ ኣሎዉ”።
– “ናይ ሓባር ጸላኢ ምስ ዘለካ ምትሕብባር፣ ዘዑውት ስትራተጂ እዮ”።
– “ኣንጻሮም ዝግበር ወፍሪ ፣ ንረብሓ ኢሰያስ ኢዩ”።
– “ጽልኢ ጠጠዉ ኣብሉ። ጸረ እቲ ፣ ሰላም ዝደሊ ህዝቢ ኤሪትራ እዩ”።
እዚ ዓይነት ሪኢቶታት፣ ነቲ ጉዳይ ፣ ኣሰር ናይ ቅድሚ ዓሚ ዝጀመረ ጎንጺ የምስሎ ኣሎ ። ንዓሰርታት ዓመታት ዝቅጽል ዘሎ ኩነታት ብሙዃኑ ፣ ናይ ኩሎም ሸነኻት መርገጻት ፣ ጽልኢ ኣይኮን መበገሲኡ። ፍታሕ ዘድሊዮ ጉዳያት ኣሎ ፣ ኣብኡ ነተኩር።
ሎሚ ፣ ትግራዎት ፣ ካብቲ ናይ ኣምሓራ ዘይፍለ ናይ ምስፍሕፋሕ ሕልሚታት ኣሎዎም። “ዓባይ ትግራይ” ፡ብዋጋ ኤሪትራ ክምስርት ዕላማ ዘለዎ ዉድብ (“ባይቶና”) ፡ ብወያነ ብዝተዋህቦ ፍቃድ መሰረት ፣ ኣብ ባይታ ይነጥፍ ኣሎ። ነዚ’ኸ እንታይ ትብል !።
ስለዚ ፣ ናዓና ፡ ኩሎም ኢትዮጵያውያን እዮም።
ሕልምሞ ሓደ እዮ።
ንሕና ፡ ንሃገርና ከነድሕን ፡ ኩላህና ምስ እንዉስን ፡ እቲ ጉዳይ በሙሉኡ ኣብ ኢድና እዩ ዘሎ።
ስግኣትና ፣ ቅድሚ ትምኪሕተኛታት ኣምሓራ ፡ ኣብ ሃገርና ዘሎ ኩነታት እዩ። እቶም “ከምታ ዘምጻእናያ ከነጥፋኣ እና ….” እሎም ዘሕምሱዋ ዘሎዉ ፡ ናይ ህላወና ሓደጋ ንሶም እዮም። እቶም ካልኦት ብድኽመትና ዝተዓደሙ ፡ ትብላዕ ረኺብና እሎም ክልዝዮ እዮም።
ስለዚ ፡ ቀዳምነትና ፡ ሓድነትና እዩ። ቀዳምነትና ፡ ሓቢርና ነቲ ዝጽበየና ዘሎ ዕማምና ምስልሳል እዩ። ናይ ህዝብና ብሰላም ናይ ምንባር ድልየት ፡ ሹዑ እዩ ዝረጋገጽ።
ዳሓን ኩን።
I am not talking about tit for tat. I am just talking about our stand regarding hostility that deteriorates into war. Are we pron to go to war if we are provoked or give Peace a chance and express that it is better to talk to be listened and to listen. Is it necessary to go to war about Badme when it is easier to bring it to the United Nations. We Eritrean went to war with Ethiopia 2 times, with Sudan, Yemen , Djibouti. Isn’t this an indication that our stand for any disagreement is not to talk but to attack. Eritrea has become a liability in the Horn of Africa. Yes you have to be economically strong and have a strong army to defend Eritreans against any invaders. But not to try peaceful means is a failure which at the end it will be settled by talking.
When we talk about war crime it does’t have to be proved by an independent body. The victims know it all. . When the Ethiopian army in the 1980s entered the town of Sheib in Eritrea. They called out all the citizens who were there asked them to que and lay flat on the ground and murdered the run the tanks over them. The people know, the EPLF learned about , they came to rescue. So it the victims who know what is happened to them. If one don’t want to believe about the atrocities against the Tigray it is just escape goat.
who are ‘we’? the Eritrean people didn’t go to war against Sudan,Yemen or Djibouti. ‘Eritrea has become a liability in the Horn of Africa.’… the whole country, huh? not a handful of criminal gang who are in charge of the killing enterprise?… ‘Are we pron to go to war if we are provoked’… are you?
Let me remind you Mr.T., there are over half of the people of Eritrea who don’t know who you are or remotely share your view or the enterprise served once… as long as you can’t come to grips and acknowledge that, you can’t speak on behalf of the Eritrean people, if you are speaking on behalf of certain group come clean and identify yourself.
“ We Eritrean went to war with Ethiopia 2 times, with Sudan, Yemen , Djibouti. Isn’t this an indication that our stand for any disagreement is not to talk but to attack.”
“Eritrea has become a liability in the Horn of Africa.”
ይትረፍ ኣብ ጉዳይ ዉግእን ሰላምን ክንዉስን ፡ ኣብ ማዓልታዊ መነባብሮና ፣ እዚ ጎዲሉና ኢልና ክንዛረብ ፉቁድ ኣይኮነን። ኣብ ኤሪትራ ህዝቢ ወሲኑዎ ዝባሃል ነገር ፣ ተሰሚዑ ኣይፈሊጥን።
“When we talk about war crime it does’t have to be proved by an independent body. The victims know it all. ”
“If one don’t want to believe about the atrocities against the Tigray it is just escape goat.”
እሞ …. ጓል 5 ወይ 7 ዓመት ሕጻን ወታሃደራት በብእብረ ተጋሲሶሞዋ ዝብል ፣ ምእማኑ ዘጸግም ዘረባታት ሱቅ እልና ንቀበል ድኻ ትብል ደለኻ ?። ቁሩብ እባ ሕሰበሉ ?!!።
“I am not talking about tit for tat. I am just talking about our stand regarding hostility that deteriorates into war. Are we pron to go to war if we are provoked or give Peace a chance and express that it is better to talk to be listened and to listen. Is it necessary to go to war about Badme when it is easier to bring it to the United Nations. ”
ጉዳይ ዶብ መሰረታዊ ሕቶ እዩ። ሕጋዊ ዉሳኔ ኣብ ባይታ ኣሎ። ብዘይ ምዕጥጣይ ምቅባሉ ንጥቅሚ ትግራይ’ዉን እዩ። ናይ ዶብ ሰላም ንኹሉ ረብሓ ኣሎዎ። ናይ ህዝቦም ናብራ ክመሓየሽ ይደልዩ እንተ ሃሊዮም ፣ ዶብ ተመልኪቱ ፣ ነባሪ ሰላም ክህሉ ኣለዎ።
ንኤሪትራ መቃቂሎም ፣ ኣብ ገማግም ቀይሕ ባሕሪ “ዓባይ ትግራይ” ከቁሙ ብዘለዎም ሕልሚ
ሕጂ ኣእሙሮ ሲሒቶም ስለ ዘለው ፣ “እምቢ ኣይሰሚዒን’የ ” ጥራሕ ኮይኑ ደርፎም።
ሰላም ፣ ናዓና ኤሪትራዊያን ሕልሚ ዎሎዶታት እዩ። እቲ ንሃገርና ብመደብ ዘዕኑ ዘሎ ጉጂለ ምስ ታኣልየ ፣ ምስ ኩሎም ጎረባብትና ብሰላም ክን ነብር ድልየት ህዝብና እዩ። ሓዉና ህዝቢ ትግራይ ፣ ካብ ሰላም ተረባሒ ክኾዉን ሙዃኑ ዘጠራጥር የለን። ዉግእ ፈሪሕና ንኾዶ ቦታ ግን የለን። ዶብና ንዝሰገረ ንሙስጋግ ፣ ዝኾነ ዋጋ ንምኽፋል ቁሩባት ኢና።
ሰላም ንኹልና ይኹን።
Mr P.T.
Again this point seems difficult to comprehend “If one don’t want to believe about the atrocities against the Tigray it is just escape goat”. The actual meaning of the escape goat has a complete different roots and intent but if you have chosen it here then let it be. You know for sure that at any given hostility and with magnitude such as “war” the atrocity is open ended. Agonizing and feeling the pain of those who take the burden of war will always be ingrained in our memories, especially as Eritreans we should know better. What is needed here is to do a self searching as to why all of us and in particular our fathers and elder brothers who fought and bled for independence let a loose cannon do whatever he (and few others) do – during and post liberation days? The general assessment from what we hear now is that the biggest trophy or the goal of the struggle days was to just bring a free Eritrea first. that was achieved but not the rest is what we all see. Interestingly enough, It is a fact that many innocent Eritreans were eliminated during struggle for simply having an opposing views too. These people in Eritrea now were having a field day eliminating and executing point blank their own fellow brothers and they are still in the same mind set. Why do they need to change now? were you one of these that looked the other way while such action were being committed? Not pointing a finger but asking for self soul searching hence the word “esacpe goat”. In fact the word has no place in what is going on today.
What now – “our tendency to war and being pron to strike first”. When a society is close minded and has limited mindset and expansion of ideas and sharing with the world, the only one that comes to mind is a fight. a fight after a drink, a fight after someone calls a person a name (pretty much a standard and nasty culture of our society), ego of pride misplaced, some lack of society structure where respect is non-existent, the culture brought with to post independent society (very very true), destroying the little internal family and structure Eritrea had to say the least.
We can only do so much on the past but we have today and tomorrow. Become a bridge and devoted peacemaker among your own people first, your own opposition groups first; let the old pride be put on the backseat, find and define the future for Eritrea to the present and tomorrow Eritreans. Hope is what brings people back to life and not power or war. Resolve the division of groups. show it in words and kind. The name Isayas and his cronies were beaten to death for over 30 years and so is the name weyane and Amhara. Strangely enough Eritrea is back helping the very people who did this “Ethiopian army in the 1980s entered the town of Sheib in Eritrea. They called out all the citizens who were there asked them to queue and lay flat on the ground and murdered the run the tanks over them.” That is the game where Eritreans forgot this and many of us leaving in the comfort of our living room and doing a cyber-ninja instead of real work and action. We wonder what every young Eritrean who gave his soul for independence would say if they had a chance of one hour? Those in prison, those lost to body part harvesting, those who were victims of the Ocean, those whose lives were randomly misplaced from their homes and run in to raped and unintended life choices, those who created a false profile and choice, those who ended up with unexpected pregnancy to find any means of survival…etc all a causality of war all a atrocities of the current system in Eritrea and not any other. We all will wonder until perhaps a natural cause and call comes and take the scums and vile laughing in Eritrea. Yes, we all wonder, and wonder. But Remember, Hope and faith is what moves a rock.
Peace to you all
“ Become a bridge and devoted peacemaker among your own people first, your own opposition groups first; let the old pride be put on the backseat, find and define the future for Eritrea to the present and tomorrow Eritreans. “
እወ … ቅድም ፣ ብቀዳምነት ዝምልከተካ ግበር።
ንሓድነት ህዝብኻ ስራሕ።
ጹቡቅ ዘረባ እዩ።
ኣብኡ ርገጸለይ ድዩ ዝባሃል?
በቲ ናይ ባእዲ ቋንቋ ከዓ you hit the nail ድዩ ዝባሃል ?
ክቡር ሓው ወዲ ሃገር
ምሳኻ ኣለኹ ብኣታሓሳስባኻ
በዚ ኾነ በቲ: እታ ጉዳይ ኣባና እያ ዘላ ።
ሃየ!!! ኤሪትራውያን: ብሓደ መንፈስን ኣታሓሳስባን ንኤሪትራ ነድሕነሉ እዋን ሕጂ እዩ —- ጽባሕ ኣይኮነን::
እሞኸ፣ ኣለንናዶ ሕብረት ኣብሞንጎና ?!
እታ ሓቂ ቅልቅል ትብል ኣላ ጉድና ክትነግረልና ንዓለምና
ናይ ቀደምና: ከም ሰንሰለት መግዛእቲ ድኣ ካይከውን ጉድና
ኣየ!!! መወዳእታ ዘይብሉ ጉድና
አንታይ አዩ ካብ ወዲሰብ ዝተፈልየ ሓጥያትና ?
እታ ሓቃ ቅልቅል ትብል ኣላ: ጉድና ክትነግረልና ነዛ ዓለ ምና።
ናይ ቀደምና ከም ሰንሰለት መግዛእቲ ድኣ ካይከውን ጉድና
ኣየ! ኣየ! ኣየ! ዘይውዳእ ጉድና
ሓንቲ ማዓልቲስ ኣላትና እዝጊ ይኣኽለኩም ክብለና::
ኢንሻላህ — ኣሜን
‘ሃየ!!! ኤሪትራውያን: ብሓደ መንፈስን ኣታሓሳስባን ንኤሪትራ ነድሕነሉ እዋን ሕጂ እዩ —- ጽባሕ ኣይኮነን::’
rezen, I know you will say it is never too late which is a plausible argument, however, do you remember the song decades ago by the great Y.B.
AHWAT NITEAKEB MA’ALTAT KEYKEDE… and the days kept going…
Those voices in the wilderness have been speaking, pleading, warning, predicting…’ንሕና ፡ ንሃገርና ከነድሕን ፡ ኩላህና ምስ እንዉስን ፡ እቲ ጉዳይ በሙሉኡ ኣብ ኢድና እዩ ዘሎ።’ W.H. puts sense into the insensible, is there anything left in us? can we get back to the spirit of those days and break through the fortresses of tyranny with one hijum after the other? can we stop for a minute and listen to the brother or sister who sees the world in different light? is there anything left in our tank? can we at least reveal to the young there was another Eritrea besides the aberrant current one which they were born into? can we take back the soul of our nationhood that was snatched while we were sleeping? can we…!????
The ‘DEAD DOG’ will be grilling hot dogs in the compounds of adi halo and lapping from its ‘miracle’ waters to quench his thirst soon.
One thing about you though brother, you’re slavishly loyal to your master even while you are watching him eat your children in front of you, unfathomable!!
“ One thing about you though brother, you’re slavishly loyal to your master even while you are watching him eat your children in front of you, unfathomable!!”
ኩቡር ዶቶረ ፣ ከመይ ቀኒኻ
ሓውና ገዛኢ ፣ ጹቡቅ ኣብነት ናይቲ ፣ ኣብ ደንበ ህግደፍ ፣ ብሙሉእ ፍቃዱ ፣ተገዛኢ ክኾዉን ዝመረጸ ፣ ኣብ ህዉከት ዝነብር ኣእሙሮ እዩ።
ኣብ ገዙኡ እንዳ ኣግሮምረመ ፣ ኣብ ደገ ምስ ወጸ ጹቡቅ ኣለና ዝብል። ኣብ ግሊ ፣ ምስ ዝኣምኖም ሰባት ፣ “ናዓይስ ማኣስ ጢዒሙኒ” ይብል ፣ ግን ንለዉጢ ከም ሞት ይፈርሕ ።
ሓዉ፣ ዓርኩ ፣ ዘመዱ እንተ ታኣሲሩ ፣ ሰብ ከይሰምዕ ይፈርሕ። ገና ምስ ህግደፍ ኣሎ ንኸይባሃል።
ንሱ’ዉን ይጽገም ምህላዉ ኣይኮነን ዝግድሶ ፣ እቶም ንሱ ከም ተጻባእቲ ወይ ጸላእቲ ዘለሊዮም ወገናት ፣”ይምክት” ፣ ይዕንቅፍ ካብ ሃለወ ሕጉስ እዩ።
ክሳራ ፣ ናቱ ፣ ናይ ህዝቡ ወይ ናይ ሃገሩ ዘይጽብጽብ ፣ ከም ኩሉ ኣዳም ፣ ሰብኣዊ ርህራሀ ዘይታዓደለ ፣ ከም ነፋሒቶ ሕብሩ እንዳቀየረ ክነብር ጸገም ዘይብሉ ፣ ኣብ እንስሳ ዝቀረበ ፉጡር እዩ።
Kemey TiQini zhawey, no one can dissect this Eritrean species better than you.
Recently, I came across a segment in one of the Eritrean oppo. websites titled… ‘the secret to the longevity of power of the impostor’… a whole segment dedicated to the topic… if they read your post a little earlier, not that they don’t know the answer…dear W.H. scribes, ‘ኣብ እንስሳ ዝቀረበ ፉጡር እዩ።’… that’s the glaring secret.
ኣለና ኣይንበል የለናን
ንጌጋ ካብ ዘይበልና ጌጋ
ግዝ ኣት ህግደፍ ካብ ዝጋሰሰና
ሃገር ትካል ሓደ ሰብ ካብ ኮነት
ን ክፋእ ኣይትበል ክፋእ
ዓይንኻ ትዓመት
ሃብቲ በሎ ንድኽነት
ዝበልናካ ተቐበል ኣይትሕተት
ኣብ መውዳእታ ዓወት ንሓፋሽ! በል
ትእዛዝ ‘ዩ ዝሃብናካ ተቐበል
ካብ ኮነ ናብራና
ክንብል ከመይ ‘ልና?
ኣብ ጻዕረ-ሞት ንነብር
ታሪኽ ጀጋኑ ንቐብር
ኣብ ህያው ነገር ከሲርና
ኣብ ቨርችዋል ዓለም ንነብር
ከመይ ልና ኣለና ንብል?
ከም ተረመስና ንፈልጥ
ከም ተረመስና ግን ክንቅበል ዘይንደሊ ዜጋታት
ንኺድ ጥራይ
‘ግዝ ኣት ህግደፍ ካብ ዝጋሰሰና’… indeed, it’s a day rape while the whole world was watching… the sad thing is we keep on going back to his house and pay him a fee for the visit for him to do it again and again. Simon, take it easy on thee.
Brother k.tewolde,
I will try, but it won’t be easy.