Subject: “EU says no more money to Eritrea”, By Habte Hagos, Monday, 15 June 2020
Commentary, 18 June 2020
For a change, let us admit that Europeans:
a) had their interest in Africa for their own benefit ;
b) are still protecting their interest ;
c) will always protect their interests for time immemorial; and
d) Europeans are not messengers of God
For para c) above, ask the dishonourable prime minister of Great Britain. You will get an HONEST declaration to go back to Africa, completely ignoring the existence of BLACK AFRICANS, as has always been seemingly for time immemorial. Let us be brutally frank. The BLACK AFRICAN PEOPLE WERE NEVER CONSIDERED AS HUMAN BEINGS WITH THEIR OWN DREAMS. NEVER!!!
And what do African Leaders do about it? Answer: They aggrandize themselves in tandem with the ancient European colonizers in all sorts of twisted schism that takes ages to untangle. By then, AFRICA is still DEEPER than colonial era. The scheme of exploitation is complex. This time, African intellectuals, holders of doctor of philosophy degree paper, couldn’t untangle it. In fact, shockingly, they themselves ……………………… I dare NOT finish the sentence, because it is so shameful, absurd and unbelievable :>>> but NOT to Europeans. They knew the CHARACTER of AFRICANS deeply than any other creatures on Planet EARTH. It is the ULTIMATE accomplishment of European colonialism in “DRAK” (*) AFRICA .
My Dear Fellow Beloved Compatriots:
I am an AFRICAN, through and through, even though I seem to have the tendency, from time to time, to DENY my BLACKNESS with all the mannerism and attire — including a piece of strip of cloth (**) which is really alien to African clothing style — that I used to cover my AFRICAN-NESS. I can’t help it. I am modified African that Europeans, for sure, are proud of their achievement, making me — rezen– a full fledged mimicker.
(*) I forgot the name of the European who said it (**) It is a long piece of string [ 26 x 4 inch] that goes around the neck as a sign of civilization for a person wearing it, but alas providing a ready made strangulation in the middle of a fight or for any other reason by a lunatic passer-by. THE END
እሞ ሓወቦታተይ ደበላን ኢሎም ዝሸጥዎ ኣበጀዲድ ተኸደን ወይ ከም ኣዳምን ሄዋንን ቆጽሊ በለስ….ኣንጻር ጽዮናዊነት ድኣ ከይትኸውን..ሃ ሃ ኣዳምን ሄዋንን ኤርትራውያን ኔሮም ክኾኑ ኣለዎም. ነቲ ጽቡቕ ናብርኦም ገዲፎም ካብ ገነት ንኽስጎጉ ተቓሊሶም.
ረዘን ፍሽኽ ከብለካ ኢለ እየ
Happy fathers’ day እውን ናይ ኤውሮጳውያን እያ ግን ተቐበላ ሃሃሃሃሃ