Today, Eritrea Focus is launching a “10,000 Letters to UNHCR” Campaign to highlight the abduction and ill-treatment of refugees in Tigray by Eritrean occupying forces in collaboration with the Ethiopian Government.

The UNHCR has a duty of care to protect Eritrean refugees and to exert pressure on the Ethiopian Government to comply with international law and norms, which it has so far failed to do. As a result, thousands of Eritrean refugees have been stolen at gunpoint from Tigray by the regime in Asmara.
The aim of the campaign is to overwhelm the UNHCR with huge number of letters from across the world over the coming 10 days in order to get them to proactively act in partnership with the international community to save Eritrean lives.
The campaign will be advertised on television and radio regularly over the coming days so we get as many people as possible to send a letter to the UNHCR.
People who wish to send the letter to UNHCR need to; (a) insert address at the top right-hand corner, (b) date, (c) insert full name (d) sign, and (e) post, which in the UK costs about 70p.
Please share the letter with as many of your family members and contacts as possible.
This letter could help save many innocent lives.
[Insert your address here]
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Case Postale 2500
CH-1211 Geneve 2 Depot
Dear Mr Grandi,
I am writing to you to express my deep concern for the fate of the almost 100,000 Eritrean refugees in camps in the northern Ethiopian region of Tigray. As you are aware, they are now caught up in the fighting and in immediate peril.
The refugees fled from Eritrea to escape the oppressive conditions inside the country and an indefinite conscription that all Eritreans are subjected to. Most are now living in four United Nations-sponsored camps, Hitsats, Mai-Aini, Adi-Harush and Shemelba, under the official protection of the UNHCR. Others live in the community; some in villages, some in towns.
There are many reports that Eritrean troops are fighting alongside Ethiopian armed forces. It would appear that the Ethiopian government has allowed Eritrean military to take control of the Eritrean citizens in Tigray. We have heard credible reports that thousands of refugees have been rounded up as their camps were overrun. It is understood that refugees were removed at gunpoint from the Shimelba and Hitsats camps and Shire town and are being forcibly returned to Eritrea. If deported to Eritrea they face severe punishment and may even be killed. Additionally, there are concerning reports that the troops destroyed all UNHCR records and seized all medicines. Communications with the refugees is extremely difficult, but we have a reliable report of a mother seeing her own son on a bus inside Eritrea, being taken in the direction of Asmara. He was previously a refugee in a UNHCR camp in Shimelba, Tigray.
When you were in Sudan you expressed your concern at the fate of the Eritrean refugees after hearing reports that they faced abduction. You are quoted as saying that if the refugees were being forcibly returned to Eritrea it “would be major violations of international norms.” You went on to say that: “It is my strong appeal for the Prime Minister of Ethiopia for this situation to be addressed as a matter of urgency.”
The Ethiopian Government is directly responsible to UNHCR for the safety of refugees. Under international law the Ethiopian Government must ensure the safety of all refugees in its care, and is responsible for preventing any criminal acts against them. We urge you to raise the issue with the Ethiopian government without delay, and seek assistance from international partners if required. We cannot allow Eritrean men, women and children to be refouled to Eritrea, where they face imprisonment, torture and worse.
I call on you to act without delay to secure the safety of these vulnerable people.
Yours faithfully,
[Name here and sign above]
Act now!
As a former Ethiopian, I find it very interesting to see Sudan who are helping my people occupied a land from my eternal enemies, Amhara . A great victory that i should share proudly with my children. My people are killed by former fellow Ethiopians who went to church with me and killing my people now. Great story to tell to the world! Perhaps I will be the next winner of CNN or BBC award. Please donot take my award. Funny and at a time heart breaking. I personally donot give anything that belongs to me, but I am happily offering Ethiopia, mostly amhara region, to any one who come to grab it by wishing them a bloodless victory.
I think of the closest ppl to me killed by amhara and churches looted by Eritrean and amhara soldiers There are many derogatory words not mentioned here . Perhaps, you donot mention them since they are very offensive and could cause serious psychological and emotional impact on the victims who are collectively and individually attacked by those thugs who control the entire decent tribe by bullet and other means such as religion etc
Amhara elites who had power over the entire non amhara citizens are truly savage and barbaric . I failed to find a word or even set of phrases to describe who they are except incarnated devils who surpass devil in their lies , genocide , and fake history even though devil is older than them.
They were killing Tigrian monks and scholars for centuries in the blanket of religion, Deke Estifanos and later claim that God showered His light upon them . These religious men did oppose the king of Ethiopia based in Debrebirhan for his wrong doings but he stoned them to death saying they denied our Saints and St mary. Books written by amhara historians couldn’t be trusted at all and not be used as reliable sources.
ሰላማት ኣሰና
ጽቡቅ ሓሳብ `ዩ፡ ግን ብ መልክዕ ፎርም (ቅጺ) ተዳልዩ ብPDF ተዝቀርብ ንብዙሓት ምሓገዘናን ምቀለለን።
Eritrean refugees in Tigray Ethiopia safty Abiy Ahmed should be responsible of their disastrous situation.
The Role of UN to Help Eritrea
I am writing the following commentary entirely based on Freedom of Expression >>> an aspect, among other essential FREEDOMS, for INDEPENDENT Eritrea that the Eritrean Liberation Forces fought for thirty years.
Who ever thought that Eritrea — the country that admirably fought, single handedly for thirty years and achieved its INDEPENDENCE is now HELPLESS to fight a SINGLE indigenous (1) Eritrean by the name of Issayas Afewerki Abraha Miratch.!!! Truly, amazing!
It is a declaration of helplessness, which is not characteristic that was displayed in the admirable struggle of 1961 to 1993, ‘single handedly’ by Eritreans. What happened? Where is the cohesiveness and determination to achieve its independence? For sure, the UN was NOT involved in the success of that era. That era, exclusively, belongs to Eritreans of all walks of Life. That statement leads to a question that begs for an answer: WHY NOT NOW?
What is the UNHCR going to do to bring back the INDEPENDENCE that ERITREA BY ITSELF fought for thirty years? A glaring question is in FRONT of us — ALL of US >>> WHY CAN’T WE DO IT NOW AGAINST ONE and ONLY ONE PERSON ??? YES, JUST ONE PERSON.
What is the secretive excuse? If one single indigenous human being can manipulate the entire Nation of Eritrea and enslave it, why can’t the Eritrean people bring back their renowned gallantry and bring that single one person to justice? It is, after all, the responsibility of Eritreans to take care for themselves by themselves. It is NOT new to them. It has been done by the Eritrean liberation forces and succeeded — to the admiration of so many. This is NOT hollow bravado. IT IS A FACT.
If we cannot answer the above question, then we are terrified to face the TRUTH in our own backyard. YES, to face ourselves. If we glaringly fail, why do we expect a ‘bystander’ to fight for us? For heaven’s sake, since when an International organization took the role for the liberation of people from their own dictatorship. After all, the UN is full of Dictators attending its numerous meetings. Please, let us not be a laughing stock. Look around in our dear Africa and in other countries too. The United NATION Organization was NEVER created for that purpose. The creator of that glamorous and profitable organization knew exactly what they were doing. It was NOT for the benefit of Africans. DO WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING? If we ERITREANS cannot solve our inherent problem, no organization on Earth will really take us seriously other than patting our backs to sooth us from crying, day in and day out, for time immemorial.
By the way, Eritrea is a respectable Member of the UN Organization like any other of the 193 Member Countries. If we are canvassing for any help, we might as well address also another Member Organization whose Head Chief is a renowned gentleman who grew up in our dear Asmara, Eritrea, whose parents are from our neighbour Tigrai. He is also a citizen of Ethiopia. Interpreting it in any way that you wish to do so is your own prerogative. If the information is not up to date please ignore the comment all together. THE END
(1) ) Please, do not waste your time trying to deny Issayas’ citizenship at this point in time. After all, didn’t we WORSHIP him as a RESPECTABLE ERITREAN, with all the accolade that we can invent? In any case, at this point in time, it does not matter even if he is from the Moon.
‘The aim of the campaign is to overwhelm the UNHCR with huge number of letters from across the world..’ >> overwhelming HGDEF in his rear with fire would have been more effective, however that option is off the table for one reason or another and we keep on looking for soft targets and steering clear from a lasting and definite resolution for the poor people’s misery. Blame no one, this Eritrean devastation of apocalyptical proportion is on us, we hand crafted and created this national mayhem ourselves, we exposed our trusting people to the elements and we are trying to save them by firing few letters to the UNHCR, for real!! Enlighten me if I am missing something parliamentary genius.
ሰላማት ኩቡር ዶቶረ ፣
ተመቃቂልና ክንጎብሮ እንኽእል ቁምነገር የለን።
ሓቢርና ፥ እንጻር ጸላእና ንቃለስ ክንዲ ንብል ፥ በብሸነኽና ንጥራዕ ዝብሉ ንሰሚዕ ኣለና ።
ብሓደ ድምጺ ክሳብ ዘይተዛረብና ፥ ኣብ ሓደ ሃገራዊ ምንቅስቃስ ክሳብ ዘይተጠርነፍና ፥ ዝኾነ ዉልቃዊ ጻዕሪ ፥ ንበይኑ ኣድማዒ ክኾውን ኣይክእልን።
ብሰንኪ ፍሽለትና ፥ ህዝብና ይሳቀ ኣሎ።
Indeed Wedi Hager
I would be ok to coworker with our group in Sweden if it is needed!
Share and sign!
Is this a Christmas card or send off good luck wish Yo?
this is just karma for how your government is treating the Jehovah’s witnesses in your country just because they’re peaceful people who follow the bible that clearly says they should not partake in any war or political parties…and because of their faith they are being imprisoned and some even have died because of the harsh treatment…so what goes around comes around
how can the eritrean government expect to be heard by the united nation human rights committee if they themselves do not listen to what the committee told them to release the Jehovah’s witnesses that they unjustly detained and kept in prison for many years to allow them have religious freedom…the eritrean government is hypocrites who want their rights to be respected but violate other peoples basic human rights
With all due respect to your faith there is no remotely a government structure in Eritrea, there is a lawless gang which enforces its will upon the people if they like it or not and tightly controls its territory like a mafia by ruthlessly eliminating any perceived intruder, a hawala enterprise known for its unique insignia that reads ‘ this arena can’t tolerate more than one wudib.’, it is a gang which assumed its capo’s paranoia who doesn’t trust his silhouette, the next victim will be the one he is making love today. Last but not least, it is not in ((the eritrean government)) nature to plead to the HRC because humanity is a commodity to them which can be sold as a whole or its spare parts.
I agree with you as person who growth up jehova witness family was to me devastating but worst was the some Eritreanswere looking elfter enemies and to chose these peace loving group was very sad!
Amharas are gonna claim asylum in the name of their victims , as we have seen it in some other tribe members from Ruwanda did in the past . These demonstrators are from Bahir dar and Gondar who came top Maikadra to support Abiy and its defense force who killed civilians mercilessly. The saddest thing in the world is not poverty but loss of dignity just as Abiy’s defense force who fight for one man regime and twisted to believe they are dying for thier country and treated as an object to saturate one man’s interest and dream to become a king at the expense of killing civilns and bombing his own nation. propaganda machines is still working properly , I thought it is out of order and blunt . kiki wushet bekisu colonel Abiy and yeterete abatoch hulem kegojam ena ke gonder aytatum.
10 million birr yelemagn lij TPLF built ethiopia and made it the fastest growing country and save people from derge regime. If you were at that time you all be forced to become soldiers. This is a reality even if you pretend to spit it out. Politicians are no angels and you will see when any of your citizens become leaders of the future great Oromia. There are always who benefit from any incumbent ruling system and honestly many will suffer at a time.
Politicians always stand up for their interst and work with any one who maintain their interest at the expense of suppressing poor .Everone is condemening TPLF since we follow another political view and belong to another tribe. Killrs from derge regime are ready to get liberated just because they are from amhara region.