Pour it on Emma open your chest dish it out, let them know how you feel deep inside, how dare they expect to live a life by leaving behind people like Bitweded to rot standing and become blind, what a shame of a population who settles for a bowl of soup and a daily grind, instead of eternal glory and leaving an impeccable pristine legacy behind. I have been feeling this pain for a while now, it kept on resurfacing every now and then.
Pour it on Emma open your chest dish it out, let them know how you feel deep inside, how dare they expect to live a life by leaving behind people like Bitweded to rot standing and become blind, what a shame of a population who settles for a bowl of soup and a daily grind, instead of eternal glory and leaving an impeccable pristine legacy behind. I have been feeling this pain for a while now, it kept on resurfacing every now and then.
Quote: “…a population who settles for a bowl of soup and a daily grind, …” Unquote k.tewolde
YOU SAID IT ALLl, k.t. Thirteen thousand (13,000) words could not match the above thirteen words. THE END