Subject: “ATV: LIVE – 2ይ ኣስተምህሮ ንድፊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ – ብዶር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ – Dr Bereket Habetselassie” by Atv Asena18th September 2020
Commentary, 17 Sept 2020
Dear Professor
With utmost due RESPECT that I have for your intellect and experience I dare to ask: ‘what would be the point of going through a document that has already been through critical review by all concerned. It should also be mentioned, the NEW CONSTITUTION was presented [many moons away] to the ordinary Eritreans at one of the multitude Cinema Halls in Asmara. I remember a gentleman — in a gathering in one of the Cinema Halls in bellisima Asmara — said, in a cool polite, confidence and refined Tigrigna, something as follows:
“Sir, who is there more knowledgeable that you? Please go ahead with the implementation of the Historical Document as there is NOTHING this audience can suggest as we know nothing more than you, Sir “ . I never forget, the mastery of his cool Tigrigna and the dignity of his inherent message, hidden by his coolness as a forecaster of what was coming.
Dear Doctor:: Based on your own vast knowledge, I have no doubt, that you too must have had an opinion, a distinct possibility where Eritrea was heading. But you gave it a chance and did your share presenting it to Issayas with heavy heart, no doubt.
It did not take long for Eritreans to know who Issayas was and his ultimate agenda of what he will do with Eritrea. Interestingly, in a moment of relaxation with a friend, supplemented by alcoholic beverage, Issayas blurted to a friend in two Tigrigna words: ከርእየኩም እዬ. And he did in NO AMBIGUOUS WA Y for every Eritrean to see.
And so, Eritrea is just a pony for Issayas to revenge his life long deep hatred of those who used to call him ዓጋመ. Childish? HATRED is the right word that can turn a Human Being into anything.
Are Eritreans doing something to come out of the Earthly Hell under Issayas? YES,Eighty to Ninety (80 to 90) different working groups are individually and vigorously working [God knows what], but all tooting to be working for the same outcome >>> without asking themselves why they are not working together, if they are working for the same ending? It seems, WE ERITREANS are destined [or doomed] to be FREE only to roam around the Globe always — ENDLESSLY — dreaming of that elusive ERITREA that ONE DAY ………………………………………………………… THE END
Good points and Interesting. There seems to be some addendum element here also to my understanding and if we litigate this draft it might not stand on its own – just a thought. Okay will do my homework on some pointers from Mr Rezene. Just a side not, before making another point I am trying to get to – Would Dr. Bereket come back again and revisit the traces of the making of the draft please? It is a never ending draft with lots of new venues. Dr. Bereket, would you please tell the story like it should be told?
Getting back to the point I really wanted to point here though regarding Mr Rezene suggestion “Dear Doctor:: Based on your own vast knowledge, I have no doubt, that you too must have had an opinion, a distinct possibility where Eritrea was heading. But you gave it a chance and did your share presenting it to Issayas with heavy heart, no doubt. ” – Mr Isayas knew this draft before the draft was all done and closed. Technically,it is stated that Mr Isayas was dictating the words from a closely held leash. There was no need to present but rather drop the draft perhaps when Dr Bereket would visit Mr Isayas. This brings another point and that is why was the draft presented to a single person? I am sure Dr Bereket would not have accepted, even if one of his law students would submit a final theses/dissertation paper let alone such as something as bigger in many forms and shapes as the draft to a nation, to just a single person – would Dr Bereket do that?
It sure is interesting and it never stops being……. What a gripping “constitutional draft” making process.
First, I was just hearing it from people regarding the draft and had no time for it. Then there was quite a bit of euphoria in the Eritrean communities if I remember correctly during those days and I was wondering and scratching my head. I got the idea that this is also similar to the euphoria displayed during independence. I saw family members off age rushing and running to vote. I thought this nation of Eritrea would be like a Shinning City on top of the hill sort of wishful thinking – that did not live up to its hype then slowly drifted away getting my chores in place. I got back to monitor and understand the formation of the draft and read and re read and interviewed (normally by probing question informally) to understand how and what and who and when…..then Dr. Bereket came along and stated his guts the how, what, who….knowing what I know nowand + Dr Bereket’s statements the draft could be considered as just set of rules and not a founding paper. Needs some serious re-make. The people who drafted these rules would not admit such as Mr Isayas was involved in every line of wording for they know it would be a demise to their credibility and efforts. I would like to add here one point. I have a feeling the liberation fighters might not like the draft for some reason that is not quite clear to me yet but I encourage them to just focus on facts and not to get stuck in an idea of the curent leadership vs. Your time of stuggle. Stick with facts and legally sound objectives. Again, thank you for your sacrifices and services.
With all due respect for Dr Bereket’s contributions to the drafting of the constitution, I do have two reservations about his opinion on the requirement to become the president of Eritrea and attributing the betrayal of DIA to psychiatric and psychological problems
Dr Bereket as constitutional scholar, by virtue his familarity with the American constitution knows well that naturalized American citizens are ineligible for the office of the president. Why did he chose to make it an exception than a norm?
With regard to the betrayal of the traitor DIA, what has to happen to persuade the Doctor that DIA’s hidden agenda from onset when he joined the struggle was to work for Ethiopiia and not for Eritrea?
Subject: “ATV: LIVE – 2ይ ኣስተምህሮ ንድፊ ቅዋም ኤርትራ – ብዶር በረኸት ሃብተስላሰ – Dr Bereket Habetselassie” by Atv Asena 18th September 2020
Commentary, 17 Sept 2020
Dear Professor
With utmost due RESPECT that I have for your intellect and experience I dare to ask: ‘what would be the point of going through a document that has already been through critical review by all concerned. It should also be mentioned, the NEW CONSTITUTION was presented [many moons away] to the ordinary Eritreans at one of the multitude Cinema Halls in Asmara. I remember a gentleman — in a gathering in one of the Cinema Halls in bellisima Asmara — said, in a cool polite, confidence and refined Tigrigna, something as follows:
“Sir, who is there more knowledgeable that you? Please go ahead with the implementation of the Historical Document as there is NOTHING this audience can suggest as we know nothing more than you, Sir “ . I never forget, the mastery of his cool Tigrigna and the dignity of his inherent message, hidden by his coolness as a forecaster of what was coming.
Dear Doctor:: Based on your own vast knowledge, I have no doubt, that you too must have had an opinion, a distinct possibility where Eritrea was heading. But you gave it a chance and did your share presenting it to Issayas with heavy heart, no doubt.
It did not take long for Eritreans to know who Issayas was and his ultimate agenda of what he will do with Eritrea. Interestingly, in a moment of relaxation with a friend, supplemented by alcoholic beverage, Issayas blurted to a friend in two Tigrigna words: ከርእየኩም እዬ. And he did in NO AMBIGUOUS WA Y for every Eritrean to see.
And so, Eritrea is just a pony for Issayas to revenge his life long deep hatred of those who used to call him ዓጋመ. Childish? HATRED is the right word that can turn a Human Being into anything.
Are Eritreans doing something to come out of the Earthly Hell under Issayas? YES,Eighty to Ninety (80 to 90) different working groups are individually and vigorously working [God knows what], but all tooting to be working for the same outcome >>> without asking themselves why they are not working together, if they are working for the same ending? It seems, WE ERITREANS are destined [or doomed] to be FREE only to roam around the Globe always — ENDLESSLY — dreaming of that elusive ERITREA that ONE DAY ………………………………………………………… THE END
Good points and Interesting. There seems to be some addendum element here also to my understanding and if we litigate this draft it might not stand on its own – just a thought. Okay will do my homework on some pointers from Mr Rezene. Just a side not, before making another point I am trying to get to – Would Dr. Bereket come back again and revisit the traces of the making of the draft please? It is a never ending draft with lots of new venues. Dr. Bereket, would you please tell the story like it should be told?
Getting back to the point I really wanted to point here though regarding Mr Rezene suggestion “Dear Doctor:: Based on your own vast knowledge, I have no doubt, that you too must have had an opinion, a distinct possibility where Eritrea was heading. But you gave it a chance and did your share presenting it to Issayas with heavy heart, no doubt. ” – Mr Isayas knew this draft before the draft was all done and closed. Technically,it is stated that Mr Isayas was dictating the words from a closely held leash. There was no need to present but rather drop the draft perhaps when Dr Bereket would visit Mr Isayas. This brings another point and that is why was the draft presented to a single person? I am sure Dr Bereket would not have accepted, even if one of his law students would submit a final theses/dissertation paper let alone such as something as bigger in many forms and shapes as the draft to a nation, to just a single person – would Dr Bereket do that?
It sure is interesting and it never stops being……. What a gripping “constitutional draft” making process.
ሰላማት ዶክተር በረኸት ከምኡ`ውን ተኸታተልቲ ኣሰና
ዶክተር ካብ ዮውሃንስ ዝቀረበት ሕቶ ክትምልስ ከለኻ ጽልዋ ወይ ምሹቅራር ካብ መራሒ ህዝባዊ ግንባር ኣቶ ኢሳያስ ኣይነበረን ኢልካ፤ ግርም ከምኡ ንውሰዶ፤
ናተይ ሕቶ
ኣባላት ኮምሽን ቅዋም ብሓፈሻ እቶም ዓሰርተ ኣባላት ፈጻሚት ኮሚቴ ከኣ ብፍላይ
ስጋብ ክንደይ ን ነገራት ብዕቱብ፥ ብርትዓዊ ብዘይ ናይ ገዛእ ርእሶም ፖለቲካዊ፥ ማሕበራዊ፥ ቁጠባዊ፥ ዞባውን ሃይማኖታውን ኣድልዎ ክሪኡ ይኽእሉ ኔሮም፧
ብቅዓቶም ብመንዩ ተገምጊሙ፧
ኣብቲ ቀዳማይ ኣስተምህሮኻ ዘቅረብኩዋ ሕቶ ኔራትኒ፤
ተራ ታሪኽ ኣብ ሕጊ ክሳብ ክንደይ ሚዛን ኣለዎ፧
This question above nailed it right to the core!
First, I was just hearing it from people regarding the draft and had no time for it. Then there was quite a bit of euphoria in the Eritrean communities if I remember correctly during those days and I was wondering and scratching my head. I got the idea that this is also similar to the euphoria displayed during independence. I saw family members off age rushing and running to vote. I thought this nation of Eritrea would be like a Shinning City on top of the hill sort of wishful thinking – that did not live up to its hype then slowly drifted away getting my chores in place. I got back to monitor and understand the formation of the draft and read and re read and interviewed (normally by probing question informally) to understand how and what and who and when…..then Dr. Bereket came along and stated his guts the how, what, who….knowing what I know nowand + Dr Bereket’s statements the draft could be considered as just set of rules and not a founding paper. Needs some serious re-make. The people who drafted these rules would not admit such as Mr Isayas was involved in every line of wording for they know it would be a demise to their credibility and efforts. I would like to add here one point. I have a feeling the liberation fighters might not like the draft for some reason that is not quite clear to me yet but I encourage them to just focus on facts and not to get stuck in an idea of the curent leadership vs. Your time of stuggle. Stick with facts and legally sound objectives. Again, thank you for your sacrifices and services.
Again, good points Mars.
With all due respect for Dr Bereket’s contributions to the drafting of the constitution, I do have two reservations about his opinion on the requirement to become the president of Eritrea and attributing the betrayal of DIA to psychiatric and psychological problems
Dr Bereket as constitutional scholar, by virtue his familarity with the American constitution knows well that naturalized American citizens are ineligible for the office of the president. Why did he chose to make it an exception than a norm?
With regard to the betrayal of the traitor DIA, what has to happen to persuade the Doctor that DIA’s hidden agenda from onset when he joined the struggle was to work for Ethiopiia and not for Eritrea?
Correction: why did he choose to make it an exception than a norm when it comes to Eritrea?