Commentary, 30 Sept 2020 The above two advices said it ALL. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing else to say about the salvation of Eritrea. NOTHING. If we skirt around the above two combined advice, Eritrea will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER amount to anything other than NOSTALGIA for infinity — from one generation to the other …….
Let us be HONEST TO OURSELVES. WE HAVE INTERNAL PROBLEMS. Please, let us admit and be FREE to SAVE ERITREA. Eritreans’ admirable ability to do what they set out to do has already been proved — with the WORLD as a witness. WHY NOT NOW???????? BE HONEST, PLEASE.
One thing is for sure: If Eritrean internal problem lingers, there are —for sure — “others” to take over Eritrea in various fashions. Look around left and right, back and forth. It may very well be YOUR LAST CHANCE to save Eritrea as an INDEPENDENT STATE. THE END
Hmm, Ha, eh…..not sure which one to use or add here. Why is the draft “set of rules” now being read and re-read? Is this like a last resort or effort to salvage a broken “set of rules”.
Dear follow Eritreans. At some point we have to have a spine and say it like it is. We could sit in a room or court house or arbitration …. litigating and perhaps amending the “draft” but the foundation of it all was misplaced and tainted. Many thanks and kudos to those who came out and tried to create a “draft”. We know however even those who were drafting this very much “set of rules” were influenced by a single person. This should not have been done like the colonial era where a single state would dictate what the set of rules ought to be. We are all watching and monitoring – passively but very much in close proximity as to what goes.
A draft could stay on Hold. What Eritreans need to do is channel every bit of energy to what is urgent and imminent danger to the nation of Eritrea. Let us all stand and have some spine to tell the few leaders in Eritrea that it is time to be removed and will be brought to a court of law. There are plenty of means to utilize this and let us all use the tools as a team.
Any one, I mean anyone with all do respect, who has either written the draft or part of the draft, or was a member of the current leadership in Eritrea, or some former Eritrean leadership players but still hiding in the “woods” of many western metropolitan – should be removed from even coming to any media to regurgitate their story over and over again. These very people are in a comfort of their living room and the only time they do play “peekaboo” is whenever there is a slight hint of news that things back in Eritrea is deteriorating and change might be imminent. Such people are defined as nothing but opportunists.
So, leave the draft, if you insist on calling it a draft, on hold at this moment and focus on what is needed to be changed. Once the cancer is removed then and only then a new set of fresh eyes and perhaps former members, and of course, with several local men and women involvement we could sit down and come up with a stronger and more uniting draft. Fix internal division and fix what is ailing the state of Eritrea before harping on the “draft”. What is critical is here is “change your views and set of mind”. It has not worked this far and beating in the same set of old mind set wold not work. Wash and rinse your old self. The part that is tribal, elitist…etc
I am harsher to some extent on the former scholars, people who were in leadership role, others who had a chance to change the course of Eritrea because you all had a chance and opportunity to make the change. I am harsher because you are divided by villages and “elitist” theories. I am harsher after you have seen the world that is much advanced you failed to build and construct a nation the right way from the start. I am harsher because you don’t speak of tomorrow but only preach the same story of “by the rivers of Babylon”. Let us all man up and let us all see deep inside us and change that “self” else the alternative is to check out to join the almighty before you do make the change.
Truth hurts but it is liberating….I think for the most part and thanks Assenna for making this platform for all
There is one way to enact this shrine and sacred document– get rid of those who buried it.
ልዕልና ሕጊ ንከይህሉ ፥ ሃገር ኣብ ቀጻሊ ዉግኣትን ህውከትን ክትነብር ፈሪዶምዋ ዘለዉ ፥ ብሰላም ክእለዩ እዮም እልካ ምጽባይ ፥ መጠን ዝሓለፎ የዋህነት እዩ።
ከምኡ’ዉን ፥ ከይ ሰመርካ ፥ ዘሎ ዓቅሚ ሰብ ከይጠርነፍካ ፥ ሓደ ጉጂለ ወይ ሓደ ፓርቲ ፥ ንበይኑ ለውጢ ከምጽእ ይኽእል እዩ እልካ ምጽባይ ፥ ኮንቱ እዩ።
ሕጊ ዘይነገሳ ሃገር ፥ ኣብ ሓደጋ ከምዘላ ፈሊጥና ፥ ግዜ ከይተጸበና ሓቢርና ብትብዓት ንሃገርና ንምድሓን ንስራሕ።
ኣብ ኣውይራጃዊን ሃይማኒታዊን ጉዳያት ዕንክልል ምባል ፥ ንጥፍኣትና ጥራሕ እዩ ከቃላጥፍ ፥ ልቢ ንግበር ፥ ኣብ ሃገራዊ ዕላማታት ንዕሰል።
Quote: “get rid of those who buried it.” Unquote k.tewolde
Quote: “ከይ ሰመርካ ፥ ዘሎ ዓቅሚ ሰብ ከይጠርነፍካ ፥ ሓደ ጉጂለ ወይ ሓደ ፓርቲ ፥ ንበይኑ ለውጢ ከምጽእ ይኽእል እዩ እልካ ምጽባይ ፥ ኮንቱ እዩ።” Unquote ወዲ ሃገር
Commentary, 30 Sept 2020
The above two advices said it ALL. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing else to say about the salvation of Eritrea. NOTHING. If we skirt around the above two combined advice, Eritrea will NEVER, NEVER, NEVER amount to anything other than NOSTALGIA for infinity — from one generation to the other …….
Let us be HONEST TO OURSELVES. WE HAVE INTERNAL PROBLEMS. Please, let us admit and be FREE to SAVE ERITREA. Eritreans’ admirable ability to do what they set out to do has already been proved — with the WORLD as a witness. WHY NOT NOW???????? BE HONEST, PLEASE.
One thing is for sure: If Eritrean internal problem lingers, there are —for sure — “others” to take over Eritrea in various fashions. Look around left and right, back and forth. It may very well be YOUR LAST CHANCE to save Eritrea as an INDEPENDENT STATE. THE END
Hmm, Ha, eh…..not sure which one to use or add here. Why is the draft “set of rules” now being read and re-read? Is this like a last resort or effort to salvage a broken “set of rules”.
Dear follow Eritreans. At some point we have to have a spine and say it like it is. We could sit in a room or court house or arbitration …. litigating and perhaps amending the “draft” but the foundation of it all was misplaced and tainted. Many thanks and kudos to those who came out and tried to create a “draft”. We know however even those who were drafting this very much “set of rules” were influenced by a single person. This should not have been done like the colonial era where a single state would dictate what the set of rules ought to be. We are all watching and monitoring – passively but very much in close proximity as to what goes.
A draft could stay on Hold. What Eritreans need to do is channel every bit of energy to what is urgent and imminent danger to the nation of Eritrea. Let us all stand and have some spine to tell the few leaders in Eritrea that it is time to be removed and will be brought to a court of law. There are plenty of means to utilize this and let us all use the tools as a team.
Any one, I mean anyone with all do respect, who has either written the draft or part of the draft, or was a member of the current leadership in Eritrea, or some former Eritrean leadership players but still hiding in the “woods” of many western metropolitan – should be removed from even coming to any media to regurgitate their story over and over again. These very people are in a comfort of their living room and the only time they do play “peekaboo” is whenever there is a slight hint of news that things back in Eritrea is deteriorating and change might be imminent. Such people are defined as nothing but opportunists.
So, leave the draft, if you insist on calling it a draft, on hold at this moment and focus on what is needed to be changed. Once the cancer is removed then and only then a new set of fresh eyes and perhaps former members, and of course, with several local men and women involvement we could sit down and come up with a stronger and more uniting draft. Fix internal division and fix what is ailing the state of Eritrea before harping on the “draft”. What is critical is here is “change your views and set of mind”. It has not worked this far and beating in the same set of old mind set wold not work. Wash and rinse your old self. The part that is tribal, elitist…etc
I am harsher to some extent on the former scholars, people who were in leadership role, others who had a chance to change the course of Eritrea because you all had a chance and opportunity to make the change. I am harsher because you are divided by villages and “elitist” theories. I am harsher after you have seen the world that is much advanced you failed to build and construct a nation the right way from the start. I am harsher because you don’t speak of tomorrow but only preach the same story of “by the rivers of Babylon”. Let us all man up and let us all see deep inside us and change that “self” else the alternative is to check out to join the almighty before you do make the change.
Truth hurts but it is liberating….I think for the most part and thanks Assenna for making this platform for all
እዚ ሕጂ ኣሰና ፥ ቡዙሕ ተገዳስነት ንኽረብ ዝጽዕሩሉ ዘለዉ ሕገ-መንግስት ፥ ህዝባዊ ግንባርን መራሕታን ፥ንኤሪትራ ንኽብሕቱ ምእንቲ ፥ ንዖኦም ከም ዝጥዕም ዝተጻሕፈ ሰነድ ሙዃኑ ቡዙሕ ሰብ ዝፈልጦ ሓቂ እዩ።
ስለዚ “ከምዘሎዎ ክትግበር ኣሎዎ” ዝብል ኣዘራርባ ፍትሓዊ ኣይኮነን ጥራይ ዘይኮነስ ፥ ንሃገርና ኣብ ዘየድሊ ጸገማት ከእትዋ ክምዝኽእል ምፍላጥ የድሊ ።
ስለዚ ፥ ቅድሚ ምትግባሩ ፥ ንህዝቢ ኣሳታፊ ብዝኾነ ኣገባብ ፥ ክጽገን ይግቦኦ ።
ሙሉእ ድልየት ህዝቢ ኤሪትራ ዘየንጸባርቅ ሰነድ መባኣሲ ከም ዝኽውን ካብ ሕጂ ምፍላጥ የድሊ።
እሰያስ ፥ ቅድም ፥ ውድብ ብሒቱ ፥ ዳሓር ፥ መዳ ቢሒቱ ፥ ሕጂ ድማ ፥ ሃገር ብሒቱ ። ቡዙሓት ካብቶም ሕጂ ዘእዉዩ ዘለዉ፥ ኣለናልካ ስለ ዝበሉዎ እምበር ኣይምኻኣሎን። እቲ ናይ ምብሓት ሕማም ኣብ ዉሽጥና እዩ ዘሎ ። ብኣውራጃን ሃይማኖትን ዕንክልል ዘብለና ዘሎ’ዉን ንሱ እዩ።
ካብዚ ኣዕናዊ ስነ-ሓሳብ ወጺእና ፥ ምእንቲ ሃገርና ፥ ምስ ኩሎም ደቂ ሃገር ንላዘብ ንስራሕ ። ሃገር ናይ ኩሉ እያ ምባል ፥ ብተግባር እንተ ዘይተሰኒዩ ፥ ኩልና ክንኸስር እና ።
ንሃገር ቀዳምነት ንሃብ ።